I can agree with this. (at least requiring/requesting all websites/services to integrate with this) but requiring every single video online to be subtitled would be torture. Perhaps something of a browser add on would also suit this. It would query universal subtitles (or some other site) for subtitles when someone visited a page. I know from the deaf perspective it feels like you guys are left out. In a lot of ways you guys are, but from the hearing perspective it would mean that a person who had finished something and may not have wanted to work any more on it could be fined just for not captioning it. It would take away someone's freedom not to caption their work. To many, this would add stress to their projects to the point that they wouldn't want to make videos. I believe video hosting sites should integrate this, but to force someone to caption something is like a great movie I once watched.
To make everyone equal, beautiful people were required to wear masks. Strong people were required to wear chains. Smart people were required to wear alarms in their ears which sounded when they tried to use their intelligence. If you removed this stuff, you were imprisoned.
Everyone likes to play on the strengths they have. It's human nature. Everyone has their own strengths, but when you force people to play down their strengths, you get a lot of angry people. They feel like they can't live to their fullest potential and they blame others for it (usually the fist person they can think of who started the problem).
You're probably thinking some idiot 23 year old is sitting here on the Internet telling you what to do LOL. That's not my intention at all, but forcing every single individual to surrender their right to hearing, would be like forcing you to type everything you're say online into braille for blind people. Disabilities aren't fair, but neither is forcing other people to work on those levels.
I do however like the idea of getting Youtube and other media hosts to integrate with Universal Subtitles. I used to use the service a lot. I'm not deaf but I am losing my hearing. My doctor said I would slowly lose it. Have you guys contacted Google yet to see if they would mind integrating the service?