White stuff


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2012
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Well it started, really big particles about 2" diameter, then after about 20 minutes, reduced to 1" diameter and quadrupled in population of space/volume ratio.... Its snowing.


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Here too, but I don't live in one of those picturesque old home. Always wanted to.
Here too, but I don't live in one of those picturesque old home. Always wanted to.
My parents house here , was built in 1880, pretty cool old house, smallest on the block. My dad bought it back in 1972 for $7000 in need of repairs, today, the homes in this area are selling for $250-$375,000. Mu first house is directly behind them, I bought for $18K back in 1996 and sold in 2005 for $130K. The area has picked up nicely since. Around the corner, they knocked down almost 2 blocks of derelict buildings and are building everything new ( old builings were 2 story single family, new are 3 story 2 family homes, why 3 story buildings???? My parents are right outside of Compton Heights which are close and some million dollar homes, back in the days before conversions, some of these homes were fire houses, police departments with holding cells, one home which is a bed and breakfast now used to be a bar like " Cheers" the tv show and also had a bowling alley in the basement. The new owners did not research this home and stripped the bar/bowling alley out of it and auctioned it off. Once the owners realized the value of these items and the history of the house they tried to sue and win back the items, they lost in courst due to the terms of the auction.. thats why it is now a bed and breakfast. It is a huge manson on some land with a nice wroght iron fence surrounding it. I will make a day to go drive through and take some pictures and post up for you. I almost bought a 30 bedroom house in the area for $7000 back in 1993, it was a foreclosure, just I couldnt afford the taxes or the heating bill at the time...shame. I thought to rent it out as sleeping rooms to washington university student or??? but the HOA says only singl families may occupy... soooo.
Bott, I had to make a run to the store for some more mac n cheese for my son, soooo, here is some pictures for now of my first house, then some homes in Compton Heights about 2 blocks from my parents... last few pics is around the corner from my parents where they are developing the hood. Im close to Anhieser Busch Brewery and all that good stuff, just blocks away, love this area but hate it just as much.


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American weather remains mystery to me and proberly rest of the world.Spent 6weeks in Washington rained everyday when in Boston I froze it was a November my friend just back from Boston said in 70 came back with suntan
Bott, I had to make a run to the store for some more mac n cheese for my son, soooo, here is some pictures for now of my first house, then some homes in Compton Heights about 2 blocks from my parents... last few pics is around the corner from my parents where they are developing the hood. Im close to Anhieser Busch Brewery and all that good stuff, just blocks away, love this area but hate it just as much.

Thanks! That is really a wonderful group of pictures. It's just amazing that it still exists. It's like you could step back in time and meet Sherlock Holmes on his way to solve a case.
I owned a picturesque old home and paid $69,900 in 1982 for it, the house was build in the 1800's and it now worth $430,005 . If you own a house in the historic district you can't do any work on the outside until the city OK it. I am so glad I don't own that house anymore ! The taxes are horrible out here !
In some of the pictures of the CH homes, you will see a block of stone or concrete at the curbs.... those are not parking deterents, those are steping stones to get in and out of horse drawn buggies. We have one and moved it into the rear yard at my parents as its worthless today, but because its original to the house we keep it under the sun porch in back. It is super heavy lol. I will try to take some more some with elaborate sculptures at the entrances and more. There is a church about 1/2 mile away for sale $300K it is basically an entire block with parking lot and all, people buy these and convert to homes as well...Id love to have it, but not here in the city.

LOL! That house is beautiful , if that was in my city is would selling for + one million dollar plus !

After last winter in the spring houses were popping like mushrooms for sale ! Between the taxes, heating and water bills people said enough!

American weather remains mystery to me and proberly rest of the world.Spent 6weeks in Washington rained everyday when in Boston I froze it was a November my friend just back from Boston said in 70 came back with suntan
In St Louis you can wear Bikini, shorts, pants and coat all in the same day.
You're making me miss the house my aunt had in Pennsylvania years ago. An old Victorian home built in the late 1800s I think. three stories plus basement. Very spacious. She had to do a lot of renovations on the inside but she tried to keep the same charm of it (well minus the strange add on room on the back of the kitchen that had an extremely slanted floor and an ancient toilet...).

Miss that whole area- the house is part of the historic district in that town now.
On my parents street, my entire family used to live here. My grandma, Aunts, Uncles, they all owned homes here and I would say my family once owned about half the block here. Then they sold and moved away and eventually other families moved in. My Grandparents house is directly across the street from my parents, and its kinda funny as the districts dividing lines run down the middle of our street... My parents house is considered Tower Grove East ( east of tower grove park)and my grandparents house is considered Fox Park (west end) Im glad the area is picking up, who knows what the value will reach in the future.