White Elephant Game


bloody phreak from hell
Feb 27, 2003
Reaction score
I recently played the White Elephant Game with my family and family friends from church. Have any of you ever played it? It's a really interesting and fun game. Basically, you follow these simple rules:
  • draw numbers
  • go in order from number drawn
  • 1st person takes a gift from the pile in the middle
  • 2nd person has the option of "stealing" the 1st person's gift or taking a gift from the pile in the middle
  • 3rd person has the option of "stealing" the 2nd or 1st person's gift, or taking a gift from the pile in the middle
  • 4th person has the option... etc
  • after a gift is "stolen", that person whose gift was "stolen" also has the option of "stealing" from someone else or taking a gift from the pile in the middle
  • a gift cannot be "stolen" back in the same turn
  • for instance, #2 "steals" from #8, #8 cannot "steal" back from #2 until during another turn
  • a gift can only be "stolen" 3 times
  • after the last person gets his/her gift, the 1st person goes again
  • it's usually best if you get about 3 or 4 times the number of guests playing... in gifts
  • for instance, 15 guests equals 45 to 60 gifts
  • the gifts can range from cute gifts, gag gifts, candles, stuffed animals/dolls, $1 gifts, toys, or anything cheap and fun to share
I might be forgetting a rule or two... I'll post more if I remember any. Enjoy!
Two years ago, I always got the good gifts. This year, I got bad gifts... ugh! The first one was a baby book, Jack and the Beanstalk. The second one was a baby picture frame. Ugh!
My family also plays that game every year...

This year I got a nice crystal vase... I love it... and I'm good at making the pity face if someone wants to steal from me (and they end up not doing it)...

Usually the gifts are pretty crappy, but this year it wasn't bad... beer was also included. LOL
We played on every eve party..
some of us got good gifts.. or crappy gifts.. lol
its FUN!!
BabyPhat21 said:
Never heard of it......is it an American game?
Actually, I don't know where it originated. Let me do some research on the subject.