Which State?


New Member
Apr 19, 2004
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Im just curious.. no compare or no negitvies..

I would love to hear some postive...

Which state that has a good deaf service and WHY!!!
Hehehe, I'll be first...

Mixxixxippi, because Vocational Rehab here have their own truck business....

So they hired disabled people to work for 3 months in warehouse, in case in emergency...

better than being homeless.

After disabled people work for 3 months, Vocational Rehab will placed them
to jobs out there such as Fed Ex or something...

They get 3 month experience for working for Vocational Rehab in Mixxixxippi.

Their state VR pay for FULL college funds-- the DORMS and tutition/books/ et cetera while every other state require you to pay the dorms on your own.

I am not a Texan but I am not going to favor California for VR.
We do have a large interpreter program and I know several good interpreter programs in San Diego alone so who knows what is out there in other cities in California??? San Francisco, Los Angeles, Riverside, Fresno, Et Cetera!

The local DCS (Deaf Community Service) in San Diego is going through their bad phase-- new CEO, loss of services, budget, cut of certain services like classes for Deaf who aren't qualified for community college et cetera, limited fundings for research purposes (e.g. educational seminars about cancers for the Deaf community) so I am not :applause: for California based on what I have seen and heard.
I'm sorry I didn't mean to just view this thread and not post that because I'm not quite sure which state has the better Deaf Community Service....since some states do have small deaf community and some has alot, so I dunno ...

I haven't been around the deaf community in a long time, I am more around hearing people than deaf that's because my friends live so far away :| .....
"Which state that has a good deaf service and WHY!!!" question is pretty general.

I grew up in Texas and enjoyed their VR support for both RIT and Gallaudet. After comparing to friends from different states for VR tution support, Texas is ranked one of the top.

After college, priorities changed like I needed a job. High % of hearing Texans know nothing about ADA and I didnt want to rely on VR to get a job. I got tired of stupid questions regarding deafness and communication. Being a pioneer in educating ADA, it was difficult to get an interpreter for a white collar job interview.

IMO, best places for deafos who want good jobs and have interpreters when needed like interviews, meetings or whatever are Washington, DC and Rochester, NY. More Hearings in both cities are aware of ADA bec of the number of deafos living there.

For instance, I get job leads from companies that employ deafos. With their knowledge in deafness and ADA, they provide terps for job interviews and meetings. My job search is much easier here in DC than Texas and Colorado. DC has long list of terp agencies and my wife works for one of them.

It is not about jobs anymore for me. Like my wife and I are expecting our first baby next month, our local hospital provided terps for our lamaze classes. They even will provide terps for our upcoming labor/delivery and post delivery periods.

Bonus, I used to go to open captioned movies every other weekends in the recent past. I had deaf contractors, a deaf electrician, and a deaf plumber work at my home. I visit one of two DC deaf dentists every 6 months. I also have a deaf CFP.
Rochester, NY...why? because we have deaf-owned business around here...deaf hairdresser, deaf driver instructor, deaf newspaper editors, deaf tty business, etc ...we have alots of events and activities in here...
<<viewed already! BUT not escaping!

Anyways-- YEA California SUCKS for deaf services and VR--- LONG waiting on the list for VR-- FORGET IT! I am under other financial aid this moment--
HOORAY for me!

No comment any farther :-x
<~~~guilty of viewing

Sorry, Coolie. I can't answer your question, because, I'm hearing. I wouldn't know.

Forgive me? :giggle:

I'm not quite sure what did you mean
by "Best deaf services" ?
Examples: VR only ? or non-profits ? Retirement ? etc ...

Best General Services: Maryland, Utah and Illinois

Utah is probably only one state that have
a real nice and huge Deaf center

Illinois had one of the best VR services I've ever experienced myself
(during my time, years ago though)

Maryland have many non-profits organizations related to Deaf Issues

Ohio is probably the Best state for
Deaf Retirement Home only

(Sorry, I forgot the exact name/which city in Ohio )
^Angel^ said:
I'm sorry I didn't mean to just view this thread and not post that because I'm not quite sure which state has the better Deaf Community Service....since some states do have small deaf community and some has alot, so I dunno ...

<----guilty for viewing :Oops: and for not knowing which states have better Deaf community services. :dunno:
Oceanbreeze said:
<~~~guilty of viewing

Sorry, Coolie. I can't answer your question, because, I'm hearing. I wouldn't know.

Forgive me? :giggle:


ohh awww oceanbreeze.. you are forgiven!
Y said:
I'm not quite sure what did you mean
by "Best deaf services" ?
Examples: VR only ? or non-profits ? Retirement ? etc ...

Best General Services: Maryland, Utah and Illinois

Utah is probably only one state that have
a real nice and huge Deaf center

Illinois had one of the best VR services I've ever experienced myself
(during my time, years ago though)

Maryland have many non-profits organizations related to Deaf Issues

Ohio is probably the Best state for
Deaf Retirement Home only

(Sorry, I forgot the exact name/which city in Ohio )

Utah?!?! I don't think so.. NO question.. no Comment.. sorry!