To tell the truth, I think that the number of pupils is spread too thin between the three schools. Even worse for their numbers, all three schools have the goal in mind to mainstream the students as quickly as possible, so they're graduating them into mainstream schools around or before the sixth grade.
Most of their pupils are below the age of 12. They're focusing more on early intervention to keep their numbers up, so you'll see a lot of infants and very young children classes, and relatively few upper elementary education classes.
In addition, St. Joe's is a boarding school for students whose parents don't live in the area -- there is an international presence for them to have students live at their school during the school year.
I don't have the number of students handy, but I estimate that CID is the largest with about 50-70 students, St. Joe's slightly smaller at 40-50, and Moog at 35-40 students. However, I could be way off since I don't have any official estimates.
CID is in the city, St. Joe's and Moog are in the suburbs of St. Louis. Location could make a difference. Still, that's about 150-200 deaf/ hard of hearing children who are in the St. Louis area alone who aren't yet mainstreamed. Again, most of them are very very young -- the majority are less than 6 years of age.