Which one do you like....

Which one, r u taking.... ?

  • BATH

    Votes: 12 36.4%

    Votes: 21 63.6%

  • Total voters


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Sep 25, 2003
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R u taking

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My comment: I'd rather taking a hot bath because felt so good and relaxation awful lot and easy tempt me took 1 hour stayed in the tub. (chuckles)~ :rofl: am I bad? Until my finger turns prune.. then it's finish bath 4 me.. :P

Wha.. about yours?
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I like taking a bath more than Shower Cuz I like to relax in the bath do shaving and just lay there and Feel Conformable, with bubble Bath.
JUST got out of the shower So i feel SO much better! :) but once a week i do bathe for back relaxation~! :)
I love taking a bath but never found my time. i voted for shower because i do shower everyday. oh well!
Showers is my favorite cuz it is easier to wash my hair under the shower nozzle..if i want to relax, i use the bathtub with the whirlpool machine on..it is soo relaxing!
Which one do I like? Bath or Shower...

I enjoy taking a bath because of course, it makes me relax, but one downside about this it makes me think/analyze about everything. :dizzy:
It usually depends on the mood. I usually shower. Sometimes, I'll take a bath when I'm tired or want to relax.
90% of the time I stick to a shower. The other 10% of the time I'll soak for about an hour and then I get up and take a shower! Good way to waste water, I know but I just don't feel clean if I take a bath. All the grime you wash off you remains in the water and you're immersed in it...
Saline Eyes said:
but I just don't feel clean if I take a bath. All the grime you wash off you remains in the water and you're immersed in it...

VamPyroX said:
It usually depends on the mood. I usually shower. Sometimes, I'll take a bath when I'm tired or want to relax.

Same here but one time, I visited my friend's cottage in summer and there were an old white bathtub outside. I thought it might be intrested . When I took a bath and I realized that it was so calm and relax for an hour. I looked all trees, waves, some birds and few animals. It was so awesome. DAMN, I miss it.
I prefer to have both, but I do want baths for relaxation..uhmmm..of course, inimiate playing.. anyone want to volunteer? LOL jk :devil:
I alway jump hot bath make me laying to relxas with bubble bath plus read book as long i m ingore ring phone or ring bell door :rofl:
i voted shower... i can't stand to wait for bath tub to raise to right level.. then ahhh.. get in.. nah.. waste of time :P i always take a shower.. but.. i take a bath if i sleep over at my parents house cuz they have whilpool.. its too relaxing with it.

EDIT: also reason i take bath at parents house cuz i don't need to pay for water bills :naughty:
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I voted ' Bath ' because, I like to soak myself in nice/hot bath filled with bubbles.....and just sit there for an hour or two the most!.... :thumb:
I like shower... its fast and easy lol..

if i have some tense or need relaxation.. will take bath ! :)
I voted for shower,, but I love taking a bath.. For xmas.. Santa (I know) gave me a bubble bath blower thinging.. It is neat. I also like using bubbles, etc that uses for baths. I also love reading books.. :)