Which country or countries would you feel safely traveling alone?


New Member
Nov 14, 2003
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Happy Ho Ho Ho to you all...

This should be interesting thread.

What country(ies) outside of United States of America do you feel comfortable traveling solo (on your own alone)? And why?

I would travel solo outside of U.S.:

Canada (all provinces)

Reason: 1) Most of these countries do speak and write in English. 2) These countries probably contains less of terrorists, specifically Islamic terrorists. 3) these countries haven't been threatened with the violence i.e.: drug wars, rarely or none of terrorist attack history, perhaps less hostile towards Deaf even though I have a lot of faith in myself in these neat countries.
you're kidding..... some of these countries you listed have tons of terrorist attacks... much more than USA.
which countries you ask? spin the globe... then press your finger on it. that's where I can feel comfortable with it.
Greenland? Heh, it's a territory of Canada, and I don't think people even live there...

I would feel safe traveling solo in Canada, most European countries, Canada, Japan, China, most South American countries, and a few others like Australia, NZ, etc. I might feel safe traveling solo in India.

I would not feel safe traveling solo in: Any country in the Middle East, any country in Africa, and Mexico.
Oh wait, my bad. It's not a territory of Canada, but Denmark. Oh well, WGF about Greenland? cold as hell there...
PFH Gee consider a tricycle trip around Libya- new frontier to explore for a potential brewery!
Desert floor-opportunities beckons! Cheers and another round from the keg!

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
I guess we could count me out. I don't like to go anywhere alone anymore. Other than that, I have wanted to go to Canada and Australia.
Hell, I had an intruder in my patio the other night. My neighborhood is supposed to be safe. EVERYWHERE is full of dangerous, crazy people.

I drove through El Paso and never got kidnapped by a cartel. Guess I'm brave.
Just in!

I wouldnt feel safe being solo in Texas. No.. Not with these wild jacklopes, oil bandits, and TxGolfer.

TheWriteAlex, are you kidding, right? Yes, there are people living in Southern Greeland. Mostly are farmers. I bett it is the most peaceful country in the world, isn't it? I'c've seen a life in greeland. From 0national Geogphy magazine.
Little off point on this, Ikve had traveled solo in 28 out of 36 states and three Canada provinces. I would dare one day to travel N to Alaska on my own. I don't understand why some people calls me crazy just because I'm deaf and a woman? Whatever.
I would feel comfortable going alone to

New Zealand

I would need to travel to the other countries with someone else to get the feel for them to determine whether I feel comfortable going alone or not.
Some people prefer and genuinely enjoy traveling alone. I’m not one of them, but I prefer to travel with my family or my friends.
Greenland? Heh, it's a territory of Canada, and I don't think people even live there...

I would feel safe traveling solo in Canada, most European countries, Canada, Japan, China, most South American countries, and a few others like Australia, NZ, etc. I might feel safe traveling solo in India.

I would not feel safe traveling solo in: Any country in the Middle East, any country in Africa, and Mexico.

You can't rent a car to drive in India because traffics are worse and crowded.
Most of my friends have conflict by making trip plans with me on the same schedule just because they have a family, insufficent budget, lack of interest, work, or have a different plan. Most of my family haven't been outside of U.S. My oldest sister travels a LOT often outside of U.S. than the rest of my family does due to her military duties. I do not like to miss the opportunity by waiting for some of my friends to finally makking it with me on the same schedule plan to travel altogether. Life is short. I just go get and grab it instead of discussing for years with them about the plan that never happened successfully.
Well, I can be alone to travel any countries but being hearing difficulties for tourists and announcers. Necessary to get interpreters for tourists. I prefer to travel with friends or families.
I went on a tour trip to Neuschwantein and Lindhof castles without a interpreter. It was kind of a last minute to reserve such a tour trip to Southern Bavaria. I went thru it and did just fine without any difficultity. Just follow your tour group so you won't get lost or miss the tour bus on time. I know that we wished to have more time to hiking up over the Alps!! But it saves our money than renting a car....it's tooooo way expensive and bit dangerous to drive on the highways without limit speed policy. Yikes. Lol.