Which country best for Deafies?

Oh shit. I forgot about UAE.
They have some good stuff there for people, not just deaf too.
Watch out for UAE. :)
I heard a lot of very good things about Sweden in my Deaf Culture class. I'd be curious to know what accessibility in higher education is like for deaf Swedes. In the US, I think it varies a lot from state to state. California public universities are awesome (at least until they started running out of money, LOL! but don't worry, that will only last another year or two). I'd be very surprised if they are not the worldwide leaders in this sense.
Bragging ok and has nice patriotism and all that BUT, we seem to be looking for comparative facts. No? Not better country, but which country has better overall human rights for deaf.
I am very impressed with the videophone info above..wow.
Confused about the ASL vid phone info, since the service I use has terps that are capable in a couple of different sign systems, but again, this is comparative to our own experiences. We all have different needs and experience.
Souggy, werent you saying elsewhere that you had experienced a lack of relay services? Are you and Loghead in different areas? I assume so.
I know there were studies done this year comparing different areas of the US for deaf life, and the winning cities were posted. I have not seen such a study done on an international level. I am going to be reading this thread with interest.
Good replies.

However my main question was from a human rights view. The wealthier countries generally provide good monetary assistance in the form of free hearing aids and devices etc. The USA however fail in the Health Care field. The UK is way better here.

But that are not the main issue.
I value my human rights far greater than monetary handouts. In that view I will ask you.

• Is your education on par as with hearing schools?
• Are your non deaf colleges and universities open to Deaf or must Deaf only go to the Deaf specific places?
• Can a Deaf person study anything they want?
• Will the government departments help a Deaf person the same way they will help a hearing person?
• Ditto the Banks?
• SL?
• TV?
• Are Deaf people equally treated when it comes to job interviews?
• And then the main question. What do your governments do to stamp out any discrimination?
Souggy, werent you saying elsewhere that you had experienced a lack of relay services? Are you and Loghead in different areas? I assume so.
I know there were studies done this year comparing different areas of the US for deaf life, and the winning cities were posted. I have not seen such a study done on an international level. I am going to be reading this thread with interest.

Eh... I think it depend on the cities. I live in Victoria... yeah. I have heard Vancouver is the most deaf-friendly city in Canada, however it's also the most expensive place in Canada to live at the same time. Not sure where loghead live. Close to Toronto?

I can't vouch if Vancouver IS or ISN'T the best place in Canada... it's mostly rumours I have heard from the Edomontonians.
I would LOVE to visit Canada, the photos are lovely. (sorry off topic)
I would LOVE to visit Canada, the photos are lovely. (sorry off topic)

it is lovely. Been there several times. I'm planning on going there again sometimes soon - around Niagara Falls and upward. Will visit Vancouver perhaps in January because I've never been to west Canada.
it is lovely. Been there several times. I'm planning on going there again sometimes soon - around Niagara Falls and upward. Will visit Vancouver perhaps in January because I've never been to west Canada.

Drop me a PM when you head that way. It's only $30 round trip for me to go to Vancouver.
Drop me a PM when you head that way. It's only $30 round trip for me to go to Vancouver.

:rockon: I will introduce you to my Vancouver friends if you're up for it!
Since you are hi-jacking my tread.....please send an air ticket so I can join in the visit to Canada.:giggle:
Whats your opinion on this question?

Where in the bad old world are Deafies bein treated the best? I am not talking about pension and other kind of dole monies but rather out of a human rights view.

Fire away:cool2:

what is human rights?
what is human rights?

3 basic Human Rights as an example.

1.) basic rights and freedoms to which all humans are entitled,
2.) every human being automatically qualifies for at birth. They cannot be denied because of the colour of one’s skin, religion, age, disability or other personal factors. Central to the concept of human rights is the protection of human dignity.
3.) rights to which people are entitled simply because they are human beings, regardless of their nationality, race, ethnicity, gender, disability or religion
I always liked England. First of all just because I like England, and plus if your hearing aid needs replaced, they will just give you one, and even batteries.

We get free HAs and I've had both my HAs replaced when they became faulty for no charge. We also get free batteries and free ear moulds. I have a flashing door bell and a TV loop system provided free by social services and a radio aid provided free by Disabled Students Allowance.

I also have a travel card that allows me to travel free on local trains and all buses within England after 9.30 am. For national trains I have a Disabled Rail Card which allows me and someone accompanying me one third off the ticket prices.

I'm glad I live in ENGLAND!
Eh... I think it depend on the cities. I live in Victoria... yeah. I have heard Vancouver is the most deaf-friendly city in Canada, however it's also the most expensive place in Canada to live at the same time. Not sure where loghead live. Close to Toronto?

I always thought the most expensive city in Canada was Calgary (sorry for the off-topic convo).

Good guess! I live close to Ottawa. :)
Souggy, werent you saying elsewhere that you had experienced a lack of relay services? Are you and Loghead in different areas?

Yes we are. Souggy lives on the western coast of Canada and I live in eastern Canada.
Can we answer some questions if late deaf or hoh or do you want only Deaf answers?