Where did the peace sign come from?


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2003
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I just got back from a really cool folk fest....they had 'terps there, and I noticed that the sign for peace is the same in ASL as in "pop usage"
Does anyone know where the peace sign orgionated? Was it orgional to ASL or did it start out in pop culture and migrate to ASL?
The peace sign goes all the way back to the 60's at least (yes I'm old enough to remember). If you remember the Hippies and what-nots they used that sign. ASL later absorbed it for its use as it had become a pop-culture icon.
During WWII, Winston Churchill used to flash the "V-for-victory" sign.

During the 1960's, it changed from a victory sign to a "peace" sign (or "anti-Vietnam-war sign). It was used in a mellow way.