When you were a child...


Prayers for my dad.
Premium Member
Nov 24, 2003
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How much does the Tooth Fairy leave at your house? or How much do you or your parent leave for yours or your child's tooth?

I remember when I was younger I got sometimes a $1.00 or 25 cent or 50 cent or a pack of bubble gum.....

I gave my son Markus for his missing tooth (teeth) $2.00 or a pack of gum. Jordan has not lose his baby teeth yet. :mrgreen: What about you guys? :ily:
*errr* I remembered when I was young and got 25 cent or 50 cent from tooth fairy.

I wish I could same thing and giving to my kids but not anymore..
Kids got worth 2bux or 5bux dollars from tooth fairy..

*sigh* Today are expensive worth for candies cost. *rolls my eyes up*~ :roll:
When I was a kid, I would get a dollar for each tooth I lost. Nowadays, I have heard of kids demanding much more from tooth fairies. Makes me RME.
A nice shiny dime for each tooth.
when i was a child it was usually 25 cents or 50 cents -- could go as high as $1.00 :lol:

once when my nephew was a child and he lost his tooth -- my bro in law was still half asleep and was getting a $1.00 out of his wallet but when he woke up in the morning by my nephew he found out it was ACTUALLY a $20.00 bill he left :rofl: ofc there was nothing he could do :lol:
Reba said:
A nice shiny dime for each tooth.

Lol, yep.
But they were SILVER, weren't they? Ahhh, the good old days, hehehe.
Beowulf said:
Lol, yep.
But they were SILVER, weren't they? Ahhh, the good old days, hehehe.
That's right. Real magic requires coins. Paper money won't work. :)
I don't really remember how much I got when I was little, but I give my boys a dollar, but sometimes I give them 5 dollars ( it's depending on how much I have on me ;) )....I'm a super mom LOL
The Tooth Fairy?? Well i kinew momma puts a silver dollar under my pillow. when i lose my tooth. When i stopped beliving in the tooth fairy is when i lost my last baby tooth when i was Institutionalized i put a tooth under my pillow and next morning and my tooth was still there.I said WHAT THE HELL? Oh she must have forgot about it. Then put a tooth under my pillow again and next i wake and my tooth was still there. And the next night put a tooth under my pillow again and next i wake and my tooth was still there. And again the next i put a tooth under my pillow again and next i wake and my tooth was still there. Then i said SHIT ON THIS!!!! I flushed my tooth down the toilet and robbed my roomate a buck. And thats why the way i am today because the tooth fairy didnt give me my last silverdollar on my last tooth. My dad is that way too because when my grandmother was in a divorce situation she couldnt afford to take care her son so she left him up my uncles house up in west virgina, And for years when he was little he used to belive in santa claus a lot. Then he braggs about santa claus is gonna bring him toys for christmas the kids made fun of him and laughed at him and said (Sure santas gonna bring you toys for christmas sure he will) On the christmas morning he woke up and got NOTHING!! And for 5 years he had to put up with that. My dad was a poor boy had no shoes on his feet and thats the way he is today. And thats the story he told my mother when she was a teen And dating him. I dont know if that story was true or not cause she fell for it.. Now i told many girls about my story about i was Institutionalized and never got a silverdollar for my last baby tooth. And none of them fell for it and thats the reason im still single today!!!! :mad: :mad2: :( :tears:
:roll: RavenSteve -- i think its more of ur attitude that turns off the women *smh*
Fly Free said:
once when my nephew was a child and he lost his tooth -- my bro in law was still half asleep and was getting a $1.00 out of his wallet but when he woke up in the morning by my nephew he found out it was ACTUALLY a $20.00 bill he left :rofl: ofc there was nothing he could do :lol:

:rofl: That would be so funny, Your nephew sure was one lucky kid to get 20.00 LOL!
ravensteve1961 said:
The Tooth Fairy?? Well i kinew momma puts a silver dollar under my pillow. when i lose my tooth. When i stopped beliving in the tooth fairy is when i lost my last baby tooth when i was Institutionalized i put a tooth under my pillow and next morning and my tooth was still there.I said WHAT THE HELL? Oh she must have forgot about it. Then put a tooth under my pillow again and next i wake and my tooth was still there. And the next night put a tooth under my pillow again and next i wake and my tooth was still there. And again the next i put a tooth under my pillow again and next i wake and my tooth was still there. Then i said SHIT ON THIS!!!! I flushed my tooth down the toilet and robbed my roomate a buck. And thats why the way i am today because the tooth fairy didnt give me my last silverdollar on my last tooth. My dad is that way too because when my grandmother was in a divorce situation she couldnt afford to take care her son so she left him up my uncles house up in west virgina, And for years when he was little he used to belive in santa claus a lot. Then he braggs about santa claus is gonna bring him toys for christmas the kids made fun of him and laughed at him and said (Sure santas gonna bring you toys for christmas sure he will) On the christmas morning he woke up and got NOTHING!! And for 5 years he had to put up with that. My dad was a poor boy had no shoes on his feet and thats the way he is today. And thats the story he told my mother when she was a teen And dating him. I dont know if that story was true or not cause she fell for it.. Now i told many girls about my story about i was Institutionalized and never got a silverdollar for my last baby tooth. And none of them fell for it and thats the reason im still single today!!!! :mad: :mad2: :( :tears:

Good Grief Ravensteve, You sound like a little brat, Maybe your mother didn't know you lost your baby tooth, all you had to do was show her that you lost it, not acting such a baby. :roll:
Cheri said:
How much does the Tooth Fairy leave at your house? or How much do you or your parent leave for yours or your child's tooth?

I remember when I was younger I got sometimes a $1.00 or 25 cent or 50 cent or a pack of bubble gum.....

I gave my son Markus for his missing tooth (teeth) $2.00 or a pack of gum. Jordan has not lose his baby teeth yet. :mrgreen: What about you guys? :ily:

I think I got anywhere between 25 cents and 50 cents. No more than 50 cents, though.
I remember when I was a little thing, I used to recieve 50 cent, 1 dollar or two dollar for every time I lost a tooth. :)
When I was a kid a $1.00 was left for me...

$2.00 was left for my son. After he lost his first tooth. Wanting more money from the Tooth Fairy. He went into my tool box and got a hammer. I caught him before he hit himself. Asked what he was doing. His response was "Daddy me gots $2.00 for tooth. Me needs more for new Buzz Lightyear Toy". I think he gets that from his mother side of the family... :thumb:
I used to put mine under my pillow and find a 10p (british coin) on the following day.

My daughters put theirs in a glass of water and received a dollar. One day I forgot all about it and my daughter was sad asking me what's going on, I told her its because she keep awake all night, I feel so guilty about it hee hee!!
I remmy getting 25 cents. I probably will do same thing when my boys lose their tooths....I will also add sprinkle of glitter on their pillows knowing the tooth fairy came.. an idea.

I did same thing for santa claus. I put sprinkle of snow glitter from fireplace to tree.. my oldest got so damn excited!
