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are glow in the dark gloves a good idea?

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Apr 13, 2004
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i got this in an email today www.glowgloves.com what will they think of next? Usefull tool or a waste of time?

i supose there usefull for when you meet all your deaf buddies in pitch black places.... just think if you go to a rave... not only will you and your buddies be able to communicate easily... well hey theres a neat fasion accessory too ;)

personaly im not convinced,.... but hey its a good idea what do you think?
I think this would be weird, because its not a full even 100% glow... plus you cant see the signers face!! And if its pitch black, you wont know who you are talking to!! :rofl:
This question just reminded me of a "Little Rascals" short I saw years ago...where the kids' faces all glowed while singing....but of course, this was made in the 1930s. :)

For a sign language production for entertainment, glowing in the dark gloves are fine....but if you are interpreting, I don't think it's a good idea. :) Just like Tegumi said, you won't know who you are talking to! :)
Perhaps in some situations these can be useful.
I recall being at a summer camp as a child- around 12 yo and we were playing this "sneak up on them" game.
We were ( a group of us) supposed to sneak up quietly on a bunch of kids sitting around the fire and snatch something that belonged to them. As a trophy.

It was in the forest. I got very scared when all the kids in my group disappeared in the dark. I started screaming I can't see, I can't hear! and I was almost crying.
One of the girls came back for me, thankfully, and took my hand.

maybe if they had these glowing gloves.....???

not seen it before, wow more creative. Well for my opinion, I don't think its a good idea cuz if u sit too far, won't able see that hands, or that glow bright enough.
Use the white glove, not glow glove.... white gloves look better and clear. i see that music manager use that during the play. they are hearing and need to see the hands during making music. :)
Whether or not these gloves will glow well enough to use while signing in the dark, the idea and concept of its uses may very well be benefical to some--for instance, (with the idea that eventually these gloves will glow long enough to use) taking them on the next camping trip with other deaf individuals, just think, stories will become more spookier and provide more effect--heh heh....and besides, at least you'll know who is speaking providing that these glow gloves eventually will come in a variety of different colors and patterns....Wouldn't that be something?!! :cool:
I see this being somewhat useful in the event that you're trying to sign without light... But as an accessory for really any other purpose... ick. :)
Okay, I'm sorry, but I had to restrain myself after reading this. Glow in the dark gloves? Dear lord.. Although, if it was modified a tiny bit it seems like the start of a potentially good idea.. But why can't they just turn the lights on? That's like with my school, they tried to use flashlights for the play so I could see them and I'm just like "TURN THE LIGHTS ON! Who cares if it's supposed to be night.." xD. Unless they'res no power? ... Then I would be scared XD.