When did you know?


New Member
Oct 20, 2006
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When did you know you are gay? For me it was sudden. I was 19 years old and i was walking in the mall and in my mind verbalized, "damn he is cute!" then i freaked. I didn't show it because hello i was in the mall!! Then i started thinking on my life. My first crush when i was 6 was a boy. My first gay experience was when i was 7 and the boy was 8. Then from when i was 8 until i was 14 i had a boyfriend with a boy that was a year younger than me. I didn't realize that is what he was. We lost our virginity to each other at age 11. When i had to watch "Baywatch" i wished Pam Anderson would move those things so i could look at the men. In school i never dressed out in gym class and would sit on the side of the basketball court and watch the guys with their shirts off. I thought about men and being with men. Not with women, although i had girlfriends. All that stuff made sense finally when i had this appifany that i am gay. It was always there though. Then i didn't want to be, became suicidal. Finally when i was 20 i let go of my straightness and said to myself "look bitch you are gay, deal with it because you are not going to die!" so i did. I came out to my co-workers and some of my friends in March of 2000 when i was 20 and never looked back. Oh my gay birthday is coming up in just over a month! Happy 7th to me!!! LMGAO
So what is your story?
Ohh let me see... I could remember when I was about 5 and try to show off to girl because I think I am boy and had good look. Bad BAD!!! Girl slap my face for my tidy kiss on her cheek. I been play with my cousins and boys during little, cant tell who I am! When I was 8 and like blond deaf girl. I was so crazy over her and afraid she would notice in years later. (She did! I was so shocked when I was 16... change the subject) When I was 11 and moved to Dallas from Alabama. I was SHY and not want involved with anyone. When I was 14 and had really short hair (long hair on my forehead but back is shaved) One girl fall in love with me... I was so froze because we are in teen years. Well she is LOT straight later on. During the high school years, is I had a boyfriend for 3 years, we broke up after some reason. Now, I have girlfriend who is actually female and understanding me.

I was OUT of closet when 26 and now 10th year.
I knew very early, like 6 years old. I always wanted boys to chase me on the playground, or to "fight over me", LOL. I had so many little boyfriends back then, it's funny to think back about it now.

When we played house, I always wanted to be the "mom". When we played School, I always wanted to be the teacher.

I probably vocalized that I was gay to myself when I was about 11 or 12, I think, when I actually had a physical attraction to other boys, and acted on those impulses. I never really tried doing the straight thing... I never had any girlfriends, although plenty of friends that were girls. It WAS uncomfortable, because I had a lot of girls attracted to me, and I never wanted to hurt their feelings.

My mother knew, of course, but we didn't really talk about it until I was 21 or so. I was brought up in a very liberal household, so it was basically a non-issue. My Dad and I never had anything resembling a positive relationship, so I've never really cared what he thought. Well, that's not altogether true. There was a time when I cared, but I've gotten over it. :)

It always intrigues me when I meet someone who only realized "later in life" that they were gay. I always wonder if they'd always had impulses which they just suppressed... or if they legitimately had a "change of heart", for some reason. Most of my friends all knew when they were young, like me. The few people that I've known who had the later-in-life realization, were typically the ones that "fought it", and weren't comfortable with the idea of being gay.
As far back as I can remember, I found members from both sexes to be attractive or had crushes on. (pretty much 100% gay now though)

My earliest memory of sudden understanding of just how different I was when Starsky & Hutch was on the tube. This was before CC.. was bored and out of the blue I asked my sister which one did she think was cuter, the blond or the brown haired one? My sister had this look of shock on her face for several moments then yelled very loudly to my parents who were behind us. I don't know what words she used, but knew it was not Something Good.. and that I had better not talk about men "that way".. It was very illuminating and humiliating.. Don't remember how old I was, pre-teen for sure though.

Had my first sexual encounter about 11-13ish with my best friend.. and loved it. I knew that part wasn't ever going away, irregardless of what "other people" thought. But tested that theory repeatedly to make sure of that..
I'm straight.

But, I've heard stories from my friends.

One of them realized he was gay when he came to NTID. He had a hard time with women and found himself having more fun with me. He then realized that he was actually attracted to them instead of women. So, he came out of the closet a year later.

A gal I knew was a student at NTID, then transferred to Gallaudet. She was raped 7 times and came to realize that she was probably not meant to be with men any more. So, she became a lesbian.
i discovered when i was in jr high, bec in elementary school, thats all i learned, guys stuff. that moment i do felt the change in me. trying to forced myself for woman, till i was married to a woman, but in laws severely dominate our marriage and cause more struggling. and our marriage fall apart due of ex in laws severely controlling and it isnt much of marriage at all. keep ur jaws shut, lol, when i admit it. im not puuuurrfect. smile
hehe, i never found out i'm gay.. i just do since i was born..
my first love is when i was 5 or 6yrs old :P
I have always known that I was attracted to men. I remember in Grade 5 when I had a crush on some Italian guy, but I never acted on it. I knew it was something that was not considered "normal" and just kind of stayed quiet about it. When I was 19 years old, I came out, and my family was accepting about it. It has been 12 years since then.
I discovered it when I was fifteen. I was at an all girls summer camp, and fell in love with my best friend there. I still remember..........I knew I liked her a lot, but I had no clue that girls could fall in love with girls. Then one Sunday she got a special award. I went up to her to give her a hug, and she kissed me on the cheek.....I was like "OMG I'm in love! WTF? I'm in love with a GIRL?!?!?!"
I was probally about 10-11 and i noticed that i was very much attracted to girls chests but i tried to ignore it i brought it up to my parents but my dad convinced me it was just a stage. Than my freshman year in high school when i was 14 i had a bestfriend who knew she was bi and i was very attracted to her i shyly admitted to her that i liked her so we kinda experimented my first experience. Now everyone knows I have a girl i guess i'm kinda friends with umm yea but i don't know.

I know my bf on the other hand found out when he was watching a x rated movie with one of his friends and his friend whipped it out and my bf got intrigued and one thing led to another and now he is also bi, but very much afraid to come out.