When an establishment closes for the day.


Love Makes the World Go Round
Premium Member
Sep 7, 2006
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My husband said that he has overheard people who work at establishments such as restaurants or bars make snide comments about deaf people whenever we go to Deaf socials about being irresponsible for not leaving the premises after the establishment has closed. They were referring to as hanging outside of the establishment after it has closed. My question is, are the premises near the establish a public place in which anyone has the right to remain on even though the establishment has long since closed or is it off limits to the public?

To me, as long as nobody is doing any harm, I dont think it is irresponsible to "hang out" on the premises after closing time. What do u think?
It doesn't seem that bad to me if it is a public parking lot.
My older daughter and I were let out of Burger King by the manager last night because it was closed. They just let us sit there and didn't tell us they closed.
There were times when the managers of the establishment have called the cops on us even though there was no trouble such as public drunkness, fights, disturbance of peace, or anything like that.
I worked in a restaurant, a store and other places.

I have gotten nervous about paying customers staying later at the parking lot & hanging around where their cars are.

It's human nature to be nervous especially when you are an employee.

You don't want to be ganged-up on or leave your workplace wondering if it is going to be robbed & defaced.

Put yourself in a hearing person's shoes at night leaving their workplace and seeing a few deaf people signing. The hearing person doesn't understand ASL. Naturally the hearing person is now out of his/her comfortable environment and feels threatened.

To be able to feel comfortable all over again, they have to call the police. After this whole thing happens, some hearing people will degrade some deaf people to feel better all over again.

This is too bad that this has to happen.
There were times when the managers of the establishment have called the cops on us even though there was no trouble such as public drunkness, fights, disturbance of peace, or anything like that.

Wow! Maybe it is just the town you are in?
Wow! Maybe it is just the town you are in?

It could be...

That's why I made this thread...not only I wanted to see what people say and see if people have had the same experiences.
My thinking is....if place is closed up/locked, and Deaf or hearing want to continue meeting outside in a car, the parking lot or on the sidewalk next to the place, I don't personally see a problem; unless there is sign that specifically states "no loitering" in which case the law has regulated the interaction. But if hearing can stay so long as they are not actually preventing the business from closing, Deaf should be able to also, if hearing people don't like the signing, too bad-

Threat of physical violence or "inappropriate behavior" is something else altogether.