When adult children have to "move back in"....


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
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My son, 18, and very soon to be 19, had a job, 2 roommates and a girlfriend....(who for the most part lived there too)....He lost his job 2 weeks ago, came home yesterday, trash bags full of dirty laundry.....hungry!...So here we go again! Of course I'm happy to see him more often now, (but not the dirty laundry!)....he said he would wash them all, and proceeded to pack the washing machine full of whites and colors.....so I winded up doing the dirty job!

His girlfriend came over, and stayed quite late! When I mentioned to my son that she needed to get on home.....both had a ?? look on their face!....Too late for her to catch the bus!...Ahhh "Call ur Mother!"...so she did.....

Monday, it's making the rounds for him to find another job....if not, then try for unemployment....Sleeping on the pull-out sofa!....
Good luck! Hope he'll come to his senses sooner rather than later.
I completely understand when a young adult needs to move back with his parents in this economy. For everyone's sanity, you need to set some ground rules. Have a family meeting and explain what you need from your son. Let him pick some chores to do so that he can help around the house. Let him do his own laundry! Most of the college guys ended up with pink underwear once and then never did it again.
Good luck! Hope he'll come to his senses sooner rather than later.

What do you mean by come to his senses? About his laundry or moving out again?
"Chuckling"....about him coming to his senses!...But anyhow...yeah, more ground rules to make around here....I really do feel bad for young adults trying to get into the workforce these days.....then having to move back in with their parents...lose their "freedom" and the right to "wash clothes the way they want to".....HAHA!...well, it's gonna be a "hassle" for a little while until things settle down and the arguing about who stole who's socks!
I feel lucky. I would hate to start over trying to enforce my house rules on my adult children.

Of course they are in their 20's which is much different from 19.
I completely understand when a young adult needs to move back with his parents in this economy. For everyone's sanity, you need to set some ground rules. Have a family meeting and explain what you need from your son. Let him pick some chores to do so that he can help around the house. Let him do his own laundry! Most of the college guys ended up with pink underwear once and then never did it again.

This is what I was thinking. Financially, he may need a place to stay for awhile, but that doesn't mean he gets to free-load off of Mama!
Sometimes, us moms are guilty of "helping" our kids too much. Guilty as charged! :lol: