What's your favorite superhero?


New Member
Oct 10, 2013
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So which is your favorite. Is it from Marverl, DC or somewhere else?
Mewtilation is my fav super hero :D Or Jessica the super nut cracker :D (as long as it ain't my nuts!!!)
Together, we form NutMewtilation..... :rofl:

I'm so glad we're super-hero's here on AllDeaf.... :laugh2:

You know what ... NutMewtilation does have a nice ring to it I'll give you credit for that ;)
Say iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.... Blunt honesty is liberating..... You know, I'd rather be known as a brutally honest bi**h rather than a lying bi**h. :D That's how I see it. :P
Oo its not that. I generally dont use words like....umm..."nuts" to refer to those things. Or any other words refering to it. x_x
Oo its not that. I generally dont use words like....umm..."nuts" to refer to those things. Or any other words refering to it. x_x

We shall use them enough for you then :D NUTS!!!! Nuts Nuts Nuts!!!
Don't worry young lady we'll corrupt you yet lol:cool2:
Let's see ... repeat after me ... nuts ... cashews ... pecans ... peaNUTS ... almonds ... all are NUTS .... ;)
Lol. I do use word nuts, but i dont use it to describe that are that men have which i wont use the word for it either. x_x
:laugh2: ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Jess and I are getting to her slowly.... just wait... :laugh2: It's only a matter of time..... Buahahaha!!!
So how did it go from superheroes i to trying to...well not sure whats the goal. Lol
only if wolverine was hugh jackman. :naughty:
Reading 'Charles a Biography by Holden' already beginning to like the Prince of Wales.