What's the hardest gameshow?

The Joker

New Member
Aug 22, 2014
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I say Family Feud. Sometimes i cant figure out the right answers to the question

Name a catalog that men like to look at.

Name something that receives a grade.

Name a big creature which frightens children.

Name something a gardener does to a lawn that you would not do to a grass skirt.

What is a problem most people have in their lives?

Some of these questions can be confusing
Matter of opinion.. there's really no 'hard' or 'easy'

Most would probably say Jeopardy! That is one challenging game.
Wheel of Fortune can be hard too. But the easiest gameshow has to be press your luck. The Questions are easy but its advoiding this lil fella is the hard part

We asked 100 married men, which of the 7 dwarfs describes your wife in bed....

Name something that follows the word pork...

Pork Lion?