what's the first pager/cellphone you bought? and how many cellphone/pager you have?


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May 14, 2008
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I have 4 cellphone, actually 2 cellphone that was returned it back. And 2 pagers.

My first pager: Unication Alpha Elite™
Messaging: One-Way/Word, ***What a pain in the ass!*** :roll:->http://www.compwiretech.com/images/pagers/Unication-Alpha-Elite.jpg

RIM 950->http://www.streettech.com/archives_gadget/rimPager.jpg
I liked it but two years later it was not working anymore and also, I liked text to voice messaging. My familys/friends heard from my text to voice messaging on their phone, They says good idea because it's easy.
Like for example, "I'm coming now, See u there" from text to voice messaging.

My cellphone:
BB Pearl-> Returned it back ***No Full Qwerty***
TMobile Dash-> Returned it back ***Nice but No IP Relay Service***

Now I use BB 8700G ***I liked it alot and simple but No camera***. Of course, I'm a BlackBerry Lover :naughty:

What's my next phone? :hmm: :dunno: yet, I haven't decide what to pick
BB Curve or TMobile G1. UGH!, hard to decide. ***I saw TMobile G1, it's nice!***. I want include text to voice messaging just like RIM 950.
The first pager I had was one by DialPage Numberic pager in the early 1990's. When one pages me, all they had to type in their number in if they wanted a callback.

The second one I had was MetroCall (now USA Mobility) RIM - you know simliar to WyndTell pager. I didn't use the pager much because where I lived at the time didn't have good coverage.

The third one I had was BellSouth Mobility (now AT&T Mobility) - I had the same one I had with MetroCall, but the coverage was much better.

The first mobile phone I had was Cingular (now AT&T Mobility) - I had a Nokia (or Ericsson) one that I could plug a keyboard (somewhat smaller than Sidekick) to the phone and text away.

I have stayed with AT&T and T-Mobile.
1 > Local numberic pager (Local pager service)
2 > Local alphanumberic 2-way messaging (Weblink Wireless)
3 > National wide (Tmobile Sidekick 2)
4 > National wide (Tmobile Sidekick 3)
My first cellphone in 2004 was

but I have had 10 or more cellphones in the past
My first pager was sigh... a lovely T-Mobile Color Sidekick then Sidekick 2 and now Sidekick LX! :wave:
Four years ago after I received my first CI, my cell phone was a Nokia. (I no longer remember the model number.)
Wynd Rim 900 pager
Deafwireless RIM 850 pager
Blackberry 7290
Sidekick B&W
Sidekick Color
Sidekick 2
AT&T Tilt
-Pager numbrics from my parents/old boyfriend- it was better than nothing used my tty to call them. My parents and old boyfriend wanted to surprise me that pager that what they thought about it... I thought it was cool but found out it sucks! ((My old boyfriend recommended to my parents- what a retard idea he has in his mind.-- SOO GLAD that I am not with him anymore. I have my best fiance ever!)

-Motorala two ways messenger- it sucks too! My parents bought it so they could get ahold of me but I mostly ignore them. I just wanted to be with my friends. It was crazy in my teenager years. LOL!

-My fiance bought me old Sidekick 2- it was broken/very worn out.

-After the SK2-My fiance bought me a new Sidekick Slide--- LOVING IT NOW!!- Able to talk to my fiance or family. Able to get help for my car fix or etc...
Wynd Rim 900 pager

T-Mobile Sidekick 2

T-Mobile MDA

T-Mobile Dash

Plan to buy BB in the future.

My first cellphone was Nokia, I can't remember what number was it as I got it in 2001.
My first cellphone was a crappy Sagem RC922

2nd one was another crappy Sagem MC930

3rd. Nokia 3315

4. Nokia 3200 - this was an awesome phone.

5. Nokia 6225 - this was a CDMA phone as I was living out in the Darling Downs. Excellent phone. I still have it, but now unusable these days.

6. LG u890 - my first 3G phone.

7. LG tu500.

And now lastly, my current phone...

8. Apple iPhone 3G
You all know what it looks like lol.
My first is; DialPage Numberic pager when I was in 7 grade.
My second is; Nokia Cell Phone from 1998 to 2003
My Third is; Sidekick II from 2003 to 2008
My Fourth is; Verizon LG E2(right now)
first one I had was Palm i705. The best I ever had, unfortunately, limited coverage under Palm Network. Monthly was frickin cheap, only $24.95 on unlimited data only.
I don't have any cellular phones, but I do have a sidekick ID, that's the only one I've had and still do.
My first pager was Motorola T900, it was back in 2001.

then Sidekick 2 and 3 under tmobile, BB 8820 under att then currently is BB 8330 under Verizon.
Sherrie, the Nokia 3200 was an awesome color phone ever had, I used to have one too, damn these old days. :aw:
Numeric Pager from 1988 about
Alphabet Pager from 1989 about
T900 (talkabout) from 199? to 2002
Timeport 935 from 2002- 2002 (4mths) before sk released
Sidekick series from 2002 to 2007
Blackberry series from 2007 to present.. ;)
My first pager was Motorola T900, it was back in 2001.

then Sidekick 2 and 3 under tmobile, BB 8820 under att then currently is BB 8330 under Verizon.

this is my first pager when my ex gave it away to me and I loved it.
my second was sidekick black/white
third sidekick color
fourth sidekick 2
then Nokia 1100

right now I am currently use Nokia 1100 prepaid.
this is my first pager when my ex gave it away to me and I loved it.
my second was sidekick black/white
third sidekick color
fourth sidekick 2
then Nokia 1100

right now I am currently use Nokia 1100 prepaid.

Eww, old school...isn't it time you got a new one? A Sidekick or maybe a Blackberry?
Eww, old school...isn't it time you got a new one? A Sidekick or maybe a Blackberry?

nah.. I like Nokia 1100 cuz save my money I only pay 29.99 prepaid card for whole 3 month then refill another 29.99.