Magatsu said:Until few months, I got odd spywares & activeX that installed on my computer without my knowledge or permission (even though I configured to block the activeX but nothing works). I decided to look into and found that it was IE hackers' doings so I switched to Firefox.
There are several features that I like about Firefox, multi-tabs in one browser window... That's the BESTEST feature ever I seen. Read mail, Extensions, and other things. I believe it is based on personal preference but most of people choose FireFox over any browsers due to security reasons.
ckfarbes said:I am certainly know you don't even famailar with mozilla firefox or any products by mozilla very well. but you know Netscape, soon became one of the most popular choices for those, is well-name for long time till now..
Did you know that the Netscape :Owned: Mozilla and perhaps even own mozilla firefox.
What do you think who created Netscape? by Mosaic Organization. Netscape was founded by April 1994. It was first called Mosaic Communications, but was quickly renamed to Netscape Communications.
Yeah, I heard about this new browser from some of friends showed me before. I do totally famailar within mozilla's products and browsers. If you've searched the knowledge base. Because the Netscape browser[4.75, 4.76] that i was used to surf on for long times ago.. this year, I can't remember that downloaded it from Mozilla's browser 1.7.3. I realized that in fact: Mozilla 1.7.2 is based on Netscape Communicator 4.75!! what the more, Netscape made recently announced that Netscape will be base on firefox as beta in Novemeber 30, 2004 for certain!
> Netscape: Origin of a Browser <
> Mozilla: the History and the product <
I can honesty say that I have never had a problem with MSIE, maybe I am lucky. I'll stick to IE!" threads are not just cmplaints, they are part of some kind of strategy to offered words of encouragement and suggestions this community for trying the mozilla firefox browser. Good luck!![]()
Oops! Heh... Let step back, I mean the Mozilla browser suite [1.7.3] is actually based on the previous [4.75] version of the feature Netscape Communicator !!ckfarbes said:this year, I can't remember that downloaded it from Mozilla's browser 1.7.3. I realized that in fact: Mozilla 1.7.2 is based on Netscape Communicator 4.75!!
Taylor said:I have a list of browser stats from two of my websites.
First, I chose our weather related website in hopes of getting the 'average' user and not the 'techie' crowd:
Weather Browser Stats
The second set of stats is from more of a 'techie' internet related site.
Techie Browser Stats
Its interesting the difference in numbers from an 'average' user to the more 'techie'. Many have moved away from IE, but not necessarily to Firefox.
To give you guys an idea about security, there was a recent vulnerability on a popular message board system. Webmasters that were using these boards on their sites were finding their sites getting hacked through the board. What the hackers were doing was inserting a code on the pages of the message board that would infect the computers of those browsing their forums. These new infected computers were then used to hack more systems.
As others have pointed out, the forum visitors who were getting hacked were using IE, and those that were not affected were using other browsers.
I frequently use IE, but have taken a liking to Firefox. Not only for security but there are a bunch of other features I like (like the tabbed pages). I never liked the old Netscape browsers because a lot of sites looked like crap. Also it was a pain to design a website with the Netscape user in mind. Everything has fallen into place and Firefox does a great (if not better) rendering of html pages than IE.