I had a friend who shut me out and refuse to be friends with me again or work out the difference between the two of us. When something happened like.. If a friend said "I promise I won't tell anyone and you too". Another friend of mine asked me if it was true that something did happened between me and another person, not only that I said anything in the first place. I knew that person let it slip out of the mouth, and I had voucher the information on what happened.
Then the person blames me for telling everyone, which I did not say a word and that PERSON has BIG MOUTH and let whatever slips out of the mouth. We all got in to a big argument and friend of mine brought up what happened between me and another person. It makes me mad when a MAN won't admit the truth and knew what happened. Not only that he said something about me staring at him whether it means I like him or not. The only reason was that what happened between me and him was a MISTAKE and I admit it, but he wouldn't. We all been good friends and have good time, now it's like 50/50 visit with our friends, like When I'm there visiting with them and he won't be there. If I'm not there and he'll be there. It's like HE STILL CARRY with that problem for almost 2 years now and that is OLD NEWS. I am not worry about past, but seems to me he is bothered by it, because he said I LIED. I don't lie about what happened TWICE was because HE ASKED and I KEPT IT SECRET, but he let it SLIP so He should be blaming on himself than to be Blaming on me, because I don't talk or brag about who I sleep with.
Now seems to me that he still IMMATURE and needs to GROW UP to let that GO and that was OLD PAST. He is against me, because saying that I LIE about things, I haven't lie to either any of my friends about what is true and what's not true. Whatever my name comes up in conversation when he's there and he be like he doesn't want to hear my name mention in any conversation. I told my friend ONE DAY it's gonna be a BIG BOMB and I'll be up all in his face tell him to GROW THE F*** UP and LET IT GO. I done nothing WRONG TO YOU and YOU DONE ME WRONG by making me LOOK LIKE A LIAR or is it You have problem with BLACK PEOPLE Or iWOMEN? That makes me soo mad as I want to PUNCH HIM in the Face for lying to them. My friend said "Let it Go". I'm letting that PAST GO, but I'm just sick of this acting like 50/50 Visit and we are not their PARENTS acting like Spliting Custody with FRIENDS. He said that's 2nd time happen, It's like I didn't start anything HE DID, because he KNOWS HIS MOUTH will get him in trouble and knows that he will cause problems if he can't CONTROL HIS MOUTH on what he say to people. I told him before... He will Lose Friends if he don't watch his MOUTH.