What the hell.... (old woman)

That is very funny lol and to think that she thought the red car is the right one and find that her other red car is the one she is using. But thank to her if she is not risking her life for the sake of her suppose red car. She got the thugs walk or run away from her. :laughlol:
I like it when they make commercials from urban legends. Hehehe! :laugh2:
Hilarious, lady sure moved and acted like a veteran cop--until her eyes went :eek3:

Good one-- :lol:

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:giggle: that is funny!!! I came out of the grocery store and forgot where my car was. Finally I "found" mine but the key wouldn't unlock it. After about 10 miutes I finally realized that all the things in the front seat were not mine :eek3: and had to go look for my car again!!! :giggle:
Lol, that was funny, but... It left me wondering why would anyone steal that ugly and cheap car? They should have done better than that.

:giggle: that is funny!!! I came out of the grocery store and forgot where my car was. Finally I "found" mine but the key wouldn't unlock it. After about 10 miutes I finally realized that all the things in the front seat were not mine :eek3: and had to go look for my car again!!! :giggle:


It happened to my mom once few years ago. She tried to unlock the door of the exact same model and color of car as hers as I was standing behind the car. She was like, why can't I unlock it? Goddamn key! I was like, "uh, mom, you're trying to open the wrong car. There's a dent just behind the back door. Yours don't have a dent and this one have Minnesota license plate, yours have Florida".

I added, "Ah, I see your car now, it's in the next row".

It took her all but a few seconds to realize she was doing the wrong car. She went completely red on her face. :rofl:
Yeah, I have heard the story before (it was bag instead of a gun I think). But it was nice to see it on the video.

Yesterday, I was walking with my dad and his friend in parking lot after shopping in a grocery store. I was daydreaming and walked to the white truck, which I thought was my dad's. I tried to open the door but it was locked. I look around and saw my dad gave me a funny look and points to different white truck, which is really his. I was so embarrassed that I ran to his truck. He laughed at me so hard.

That white truck has silver tool box on the back of the truck and my dad's truck don't.

It's little funny watching the video knowing it happened to me as well. Just luckily no alarm went off or person attacking me for going to wrong truck. lol :Oops:
That happen to me last summer in the wal-mart parking lot.:o