What Size Bed?


bloody phreak from hell
Feb 27, 2003
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While you were growing up, what size bed did you use? (baby bed, toddler bed, twin, full, queen, king, etc.)

For those of you who have kids, what size bed did you give them while they were growing up?

Any reason behind those bed sizes?
kid age - twin size.
in HS - queen size.
in college - twin size :mad2:
now - queen size :cool2:
I had a Twin bed growing up... I don't know, it was the right size for me for a long time. It would've been silly for my parents (who had three other children) to bother buying me a full size bed when they didn't really have all the money in the world to spend and my room wasn't all that big.

But, then we moved and I got a Full bed, which, I will admit, is much nicer.

But I think twin is a reasonable sized bed for kids until they're older.
I had twin size all the way until I went to RIT. While I was there, it changed back and forth between twin and full. The dorms had twin while one apartment I stayed at had full. There's also the futon that I slept in, which was also full.

When I moved back here, I started sleeping in queen. Haven't switched to a different size yet. :)
I had a full size as a kid. I think my parents were thinking of having my room be useful as a guest room after I left home.

My kids both had twin size. Mostly because I felt I missed out on cute things for kids rooms that only came in twin size.
I slept with 3 other sisters in a big, old feather bed!.....As for myself now, it's a queen size bed. The boys have twin size beds, but my 14 yr. old now is 5'10.... and I know sooner or later, he;s gotta have a bigger bed!
As a baby, I had crib of course then growing up I had twin bed till I moved out, had twin, double, queen and king... now we have queen bed. I wanted king more room to sleep on! LOL!

My son slept in crib, then twin and now he have double...soon go back to twin (need some spaces in the room when my 2nd baby moves in that room)

Now my 2nd baby sleeps in his crib.
My daughters: Crib, Toddler Bed, then Twin Size...one daughter will soon graduate from her toddler bed as we're looking for a twin bed.

I REFUSE to get a bunk bed, even though it's more practical and would save a lot of room, because I feel it's dangerous. My youngest will think she's Superwoman and fly off of it.

I slept in my parents' bed until I was in the first grade (Dr. Phil will throw a fit! lol) and then I grew up with a twin bed (daybed, which was so corny lol) all the way until college...then I got a king size waterbed, which sucked on many levels...then I got enough sense one day to pop that damn thing and got a regular queen size. Then I moved to Las Vegas and slept on an air mattress for a year. Finally I got back to a regular queen size bed. Now I want a memory foam to go on top because the pillowtop on my mattress is starting to get uneven.
My baby bed was a crib in a manger on straw. Got shooed away from the moderator inn. So my mom got 3 wise guys to hang around and keep things cool.
Growing up I had to sleep on the floor at momls place and had her bf hanging around pounding wood .
When I was in my late 20ls mom kicked me out so I would sleep under trees and stuff with my dirty dozen pals. We had fun cuz after a little qat I would tell some might fine stories and towns people loved hearing those tales.
After I was 30 or so I found this crypt. Preet cool place to sleep. That is until some dimwatt rolled a stone in front of the dooe and scared the bejesus out of me.
After that I found a bed that was huge and like a cloud
My baby bed was a crib in a manger on straw. Got shooed away from the moderator inn. So my mom got 3 wise guys to hang around and keep things cool.
Growing up I had to sleep on the floor at momls place and had her bf hanging around pounding wood .
When I was in my late 20ls mom kicked me out so I would sleep under trees and stuff with my dirty dozen pals. We had fun cuz after a little qat I would tell some might fine stories and towns people loved hearing those tales.
After I was 30 or so I found this crypt. Preet cool place to sleep. That is until some dimwatt rolled a stone in front of the dooe and scared the bejesus out of me.
After that I found a bed that was huge and like a cloud
I REFUSE to get a bunk bed, even though it's more practical and would save a lot of room, because I feel it's dangerous. My youngest will think she's Superwoman and fly off of it.

Smart choice not to invest in a bunk bed. I used to share an bunk with my sister, and I'd bother her by kicking her mattress from the beneath. Always wanted the top but I guess my mother knew what I would do if I had the top! Then we moved and she got rid of the bunk bed, why? Because it's so damn hard to make the bed on the top.

So I had twin bed then later a twin and half but now my bed is a double and I like it.

My family never bought a toddler bed because we don't believe in it.
I used to have full sized bed, now we want ... king sized bed, big enough for me, Patty and our furkids.
My daughter slept in a bassinet the first few weeks of her life.

Then, she had a crib until she was about two years old.

That wasn't practical once she was potty trained (we didn't want her to have to climb out of the crib to use the toilet), so we got her a twin trundle bed. She had that bed until she married.

Now we still have her bed, repainted and new linens, of course, and we us it for our grandsons when they stay over. It has a trundle underneath, so we pop it up so each boy has his own bed.
My daughter slept in a bassinet the first few weeks of her life.

Then, she had a crib until she was about two years old.

That wasn't practical once she was potty trained (we didn't want her to have to climb out of the crib to use the toilet), so we got her a twin trundle bed. She had that bed until she married.

Now we still have her bed, repainted and new linens, of course, and we us it for our grandsons when they stay over. It has a trundle underneath, so we pop it up so each boy has his own bed.

I know someone who slept in a chest drawer. Seriously.
Wirelessly posted (Samsung Captivate (i897))

Currently sleep on queen size bed.
I know someone who slept in a chest drawer. Seriously.
I believe it; it used to be common. That's fine, as long as you don't push the drawer closed. :giggle:
I believe it; it used to be common. That's fine, as long as you don't push the drawer closed. :giggle:

I probably would end up going to a chiropractor if I slept in a chest drawer. :lol:
I probably would end up going to a chiropractor if I slept in a chest drawer. :lol:
I hope that person wasn't still sleeping in the drawer past the time he could stretch out in it! :eek3:
When I was a baby/toddler, I slept in a crib that would never pass current day safety standards. :lol:

When I was a little kid, I slept in a double bed.

When I was teenager, I slept in various twin beds and day beds.

For a couple years, when I was about 14, my mom and I shared a double bed. She was recently divorced, and we had to greatly downsize our life and home.

When I was in Navy boot camp, "A" school, and my first duty station, I slept in bunk beds.

Since being married, we've had a double bed until this year. Now we have a queen size bed.

When we go camping, we have a double air mattress that is double height, as though it has a box spring under it.