What is on your keychain besides house/car keys? Let me tell you mine.... I got a slim flashlight, screwdriver in shape of a key, a small container holding 2 batteries, hook, and those key cards for: local library, CVS pharmacy, Borders, Kroger, two key cards for two different vitamin shoppes.
I also carry a spare key in my fanny pack. It also carry 2 small containers holding 2 batteries each, and all the key cards as above execpt for the library one. This key chain came from a car dealer and it is easy for me to remove just the car key from it whenever I need to give a car key to the car mechanic.
I know it is silly. Yeah, cuz I am bored.....
I also carry a spare key in my fanny pack. It also carry 2 small containers holding 2 batteries each, and all the key cards as above execpt for the library one. This key chain came from a car dealer and it is easy for me to remove just the car key from it whenever I need to give a car key to the car mechanic.
I know it is silly. Yeah, cuz I am bored.....