What if....


New Member
Apr 21, 2003
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The world ended up being masked with the SARS outbreak?

How the hell can we Deafies lipread?
Originally posted by WonderBum
The world ended up being masked with the SARS outbreak?

How the hell can we Deafies lipread?

BRAVO FOR MAKING THAT POINT! i was just telling my parents i think if ur going to be attacked with SARS go to the hospital and stay there OR stay home and BLAME it on the people who brought this to our homeland ( USA) jeez! If we get the SARS we ll still be communicative as we only need our hands not our mouths!
yeah, that's what I htought, hard to think to make more easier communcation. dang
THen how the hell you communicate with hearing people if we can't lipread while being covered up with that white mask?
Originally posted by ~Heather~
Simple, use paper and pencil/pen to communciate? :lol:

That will be something to see....

If the Govt gives out free masks to its citizens as a protection against the disease. Should they also give out free communication devices to enable Deaf to continue to communicate without the barrier?

If diseases like SARS becomes common... then what impact would this have on our Deaf Culture etc in terms of long term communication assistance via technology? Who should actually be meeting this cost of such impact - Deaf or Govt?
Originally posted by VamPyroX
That's what sign language is for!

I guess this is a good opportunity to teach people to communicate without spitting.... again, while the mask covers the face - how important is facial expressions in ASL as opposed to other Sign Languages such as NZSL, BSL, PSL, JSL etc?
Umm, I read lips so that'd be kinda hard however I'd love to see the beautiful sign language...
It's ironic, I used to be hearing.... now I'm on the other side of the fence. I can lip read tho, but it gets pretty tiring after trying to lipread people firing off 200+ words or so a minute with a high error rate.

Why couldn't they have invented "see-thru" masks so we can still lipread???

On other hand.... "Having a White-out? Learn Sign Language - it's safer!" T-shirt or something similiar along those lines would be good...
I would write down the note in alternative communicate.

Oh hey, I can write on my PDA than rather waste tree! :mrgreen:
Originally posted by WonderBum
That will be something to see....

If the Govt gives out free masks to its citizens as a protection against the disease. Should they also give out free communication devices to enable Deaf to continue to communicate without the barrier?

If diseases like SARS becomes common... then what impact would this have on our Deaf Culture etc in terms of long term communication assistance via technology? Who should actually be meeting this cost of such impact - Deaf or Govt?
If it became common, then the government would have developed a cure for it by then. Flus are commons and they have medicine for that. Colds are common and they have medicine for that. Once it becomes common, people won't need those masks and if they cough, they just buy some medicine from their nearest store and head their way.
Originally posted by Strawberry
Umm, I read lips so that'd be kinda hard however I'd love to see the beautiful sign language...
:werd: This could encourage the whole world to start learning sign language! :thumb:
Originally posted by illustrator
I would write down the note in alternative communicate.

Oh hey, I can write on my PDA than rather waste tree! :mrgreen:

:lol: OKay!
Originally posted by VamPyroX
:werd: This could encourage the whole world to start learning sign language! :thumb:

That's soo sweet theory!!! For sure make deafies into many soap opera or scandals with hearies. :crazy:
I wouldn't care if I got it, but there are many people that I hope would never get it.