What if Sign Languages is only done by a small percentages


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Mar 24, 2009
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and majority of deaf kids are using Cochlear implant/hearing aids with spoken language.... you think they can function without ASL?
and majority of deaf kids are using Cochlear implant/hearing aids with spoken language.... you think they can function without ASL?

Do you mean early id'ed, early implanted with proper intervention and zero complicating factors?
Or do you mean if you could not develop spoken language and had no form of sign?

Obviously people function against obstacles. Deaf people would have disappeared from the Earth long ago if they were that helpless.
Do you mean early id'ed, early implanted with proper intervention and zero complicating factors?

yes... pretty much... do you think these kids can do by without ASL whatsoever.

Like this, every cochlear kids get together, and not a single one knows ASL
and majority of deaf kids are using Cochlear implant/hearing aids with spoken language.... you think they can function without ASL?

This is one of those questions that can't be answered with just "yes" or "no". It depends. Some Deaf can rely on only hearing aids/CIs and some Deaf can't. There are too many factors to consider. Each person is different.

I don't know how they would fare psychologically though.
what if parents don't know ASL, the school don't know ASL...because they depend on CI too much.
Same old story as other successful oral deafies before them. They will function, think everything's fine until around post-secondary or a bit after then decide if they need ASL or not.

No big deal.
you may think so, but with all these college cutting back on sign languages and such, you'll be surprised. you'll be surprised how many deaf who don't know ASL. other than cultural deaf parents.
what if parents don't know ASL, the school don't know ASL...because they depend on CI too much.

Yes, I believe there are kids who will have no problems with language learning. They will grow up using only spoken language, they will never fall behind, and they will do great. They will grow up and never learn ASL and they will still be perfectly happy,
what if parents don't know ASL, the school don't know ASL...because they depend on CI too much.

Hopefully people would create super-duper hearing aids and CIs that never ever break and that could simulate perfect hearing so that everyone would be "normal". They can even make hearing aids and CIs invisible. Then everyone can live happily ever after. (Unless someone found a way to fry all of the hearing aids and cochlear implants in the world... then there would probably be panic.)
you may think so, but with all these college cutting back on sign languages and such, you'll be surprised. you'll be surprised how many deaf who don't know ASL. other than cultural deaf parents.

Eh... I wasn't really meaning they will learn ASL at college, but when they leave the bird's nest. You have to remember, ASL wasn't offered back in the 60s, 70s and 80s yet somehow the oral deaf were able to find Deaf culture and become part of it.
you may think so, but with all these college cutting back on sign languages and such, you'll be surprised. you'll be surprised how many deaf who don't know ASL. other than cultural deaf parents.

Did you grow up in a vacuum?

Even with my parents dedicated oral upbringing I learned some from other kids.

We don't have a way of telling those kids from those who desperatly need ASL.

So that is the problem.
hey, I'm just trying to get some parents to think about what they are doing when they exclude ASL from their life. And what they are doing to kids who need it. they probably won't have that many deaf to communicate with.
no, but we are kids of yesterdays.. I'm talking about kids of tomorrow.

It seems more like you are talking about your own bitterness at your upbringing.

It is not impossible to move to seek what you think you are missing.

You can make a plan, find a job in a city with a large deaf population. Everywhere has a deaf center. You can then contact them, learn sign, get other assistance and be introduced to other deaf people who will embrace you.

Apathy will keep you where you are and dissatisfied.
hey, I'm just trying to get some parents to think about what they are doing when they exclude ASL from their life. And what they are doing to kids who need it. they probably won't have that many deaf to communicate with.

But it just is patently untrue. It is available to anyone who seeks it out.