What Faith your parents have? And what are yours?


New Member
Jun 2, 2003
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My mom is a christian. And her fiancee' Ron is Catholic. My dad is also christian. Jeremy's mother is a Wiccian and his step dad is a Christian. My faith is Messianic Judaism.

What about you all?
My parents claim to be Catholic, but they're really agnostic. I don't identify with any specific religion per se, but my involvement with Hillel is worth noting.
My Dad has been dead for 20 years; he was an athiest.

My Mom has been dead almost 14 years; she was a Christian.

I am a born-again Christian.
My father is a preacher...strong faith and godly born again christian man...

My mother is pastor's wife...strong faith and godly born again christian woman...

My sister is pastor's wife...strong faith in the Lord...her hubby is a pastor...with their 4 small children all are christians...they all are born again...

My brother is musician christian...his wife is christian...they are born again...

I am born again christian...I am trying to walk with the Lord everyday...
I'm agnostic.

My parents are Lutheran, that fell under Christianity but I suspect my dad is either agnostic or athiest. He really never bother to tell me about his religious beliefs.
My mother is very strong Catholic, used to be baptist till 19. My father was dead for 23 years, he was Catholic. My parents in law are Catholic.
As for right now I want nothing to do with any religions except my own personal belief in Him only.
coloravalanche said:
My father is a preacher...strong faith and godly born again christian man...

My mother is pastor's wife...strong faith and godly born again christian woman...

My sister is pastor's wife...strong faith in the Lord...her hubby is a pastor...with their 4 small children all are christians...they all are born again...

My brother is musician christian...his wife is christian...they are born again...

I am born again christian...I am trying to walk with the Lord everyday...


I, too, am a Christian, though I am a demanding one towards other Christians because I've been lied to and been treated with utter disrespect and disregard, especially while being in the ministry. My dad is a Christian, but doesn't attend church anymore; my mom is a Christian, attends church but can't stand the music (I concur). The music in my own church isn't bad per se, but if someone else were to lead it or treat the music part of the service as their little concert while the spotlight is on them (Hey, yo, Jesus, man take a seat!) , I'd walk out and take my money with me, then I believe I'd be listened to and heard. :mrgreen:
Serendipity said:
I'm agnostic.

My parents are Lutheran, that fell under Christianity but I suspect my dad is either agnostic or athiest. He really never bother to tell me about his religious beliefs.

Yes it's same with my parents as well.

I suspect that my parents are agnostic. My Dad was raised by strict Roman Catholic parents. Dad's parents are very closed minded people. My mother was raised by agnostic parents. My mother's parents are neutral people.

No Wonder why my parents doesn't bother to teach us about their religious but I learn from school and then learn from my parents about their parents. I remember my mother's favorite word to blame God... "It's God who choose to expose us like this etc.. etc."

I learn from school, and meet schoolmates from different beleifs... I grow up with JW children in same school... I learn from them... until I learn many things from this forums here... that's how make me become agnostic at few weeks ago.
100% Protestant parents and now my mom re-married to my step father who is a Roman Catholic. My mom is a Protestant. I am 100% Protestant.
My mom and I are Catholic. My dad is Evangelical and Reformed. We all have no strong faiths. I am mostly agnostic...
My late great great grandfather was a rabbi in Motol, Russia. My late great great uncle and cousins were rabbi in Europe. Now currently, my cousin is rabbi - living in Israel. Now they are 4th generation to be rabbi then I am missionary to the deaf jews!

My both parents are full 100% jewish!

:) My mom who passed away 4 years ago, is Roman Catholic.
My dad is Roman Catholic.
I am Roman Catholic.
My husband is Roman Catholic.