What does it mean to you??


Active Member
Apr 29, 2003
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Rebound Relationship to you?? do you know? would you have a rebound relationship with someone???

share your feedbacks.... I am curious... :)
Been there. It is NOT funny! In a way I DO regret that I have chose to go though, BUT it have positive result for me which is that it brings my beloved sonl I can't trade that!!!

Rebound Relationship to you?? do you know? would you have a rebound relationship with someone???

share your feedbacks.... I am curious... :)
ok.. im sorry.. i just post this cuz i saw someone said i am looking for a rebound relationship with woman.. thats why i asked you all what does that mean?? i think its stupid for someone to put that???? that will TURN the ladies off.. jeez..
Last month lady from DSC fouled me and said to me that we would be meet at Starbuck coffee in Denver but she was not there, no show. I waited for hour. So I came home and wasted my gas. Nothing happened. No word from her nothing and I decided to ignore her in DSC. And I visited my old friend in Colorado for a friend and she is still married with three kids and her husband that brought us to the Garden of the Rocks, beautiful scenery there. My ex wife, my son and I once met them long time ago. So I am not looking for woman. The left of love is still in me. I am little desperation.
:roll: Main Entry: 2re·bound
Function: noun
Pronunciation: 're-"baund, ri-'</I>
1 a : the action of rebounding : RECOIL </I></I>b : an upward leap or movement : RECOVERY <a sharp rebound in prices</I>></I> </I>
2 a : a basketball or hockey puck that rebounds</I> </I>b : the act or an instance of gaining possession of a basketball rebound <leads the league in rebound</I>s></I> </I>
3 : a reaction to setback, frustration, or crisis <on the rebound from an unhappy love affair</I>></I>

Pronunciation Key

since someone wouldnt put the definition of REBOUND relationship in here.. i guess I will start with this... :P

dunno why someone didnt check with dictionary before putting in the profile in dating online profile.:roll: would you look for a rebound relationship with someone in online dating profile?? i think thats STUPID! that i think it mean just sex to make you feel better?? one night stand?? i dont know thats my opinion! :dunno2:

Would you put that in your profile?????
here is what i copy n pasted from someone's profile. dont even ask me whose name it is .. but notice this? thats what i meant?? why put it there??? what you think???

What would you like to do on a first date?
Prefect rebound relationship anywhere you like to have fun or spend time together at Starbuck coffee or walking on beach or stargazing the sky. Having fun at bowling or whatever you want.

Why you should get to know me:With rebound relationship we will know each anothers slowly. To love inside the heart nor about body. I never touch drug since my life and am good man without delusion.
I believe rebound is better for the relationship. Past lessons were my mistaken and taught me. Love should be come first. You are the one who first taught me what is LOVE mean for. I learned very hard and am grown up. Something we should have like having fun with dip strawberry in chocolate, candlelight dinner, or something different fun more like romance dreams.
no Rebound is not BETTER. it can and make it worse for yourself if you break up with me and look for other lady and have a rebound relationship with her cuz you are not OUT of love with me yet, undy?

i think rebound relationship SUCKS big time! thats my opinion.. i hve tried that before and boy it backfired on me! jeez.. NO MORE!!!!!!
Love of me inside is still you. Yes I understand and be honest with you. I can't post here cuz I am afraid that my post might be privacy harm?
I was confused and then now correct that rebound relationship is not better.
Rebound relationship is not good. Ive never had one but have watched friends go thru those kinds of relationship and most of time, they got hurt and messed up. Its better to wait and have fun with friends for while after the breakup of a relationship to give yourself time to heal first.