what do you like to for fun?


Sep 24, 2008
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while like to go to the biggest park in brooklyn.:wave:
Teach ASL to my two year old granddaughter.
I love to read and i can spend literally all day in a bookstore.

I play guitar every now and then but I suck at it. :lol:

Also enjoy going to rock concerts with my friends.
I am a very dull person. My favourite thing to do when I step in the door after coming home is going to my laptop. :) I love my laptop. :)

But I also really enjoy biking and watching TV. Yeah, not too interesting. I wouldn't mind getting more into reading. :)
<not in any specific order>
spend time with family, hubby and training and loving my dogs!

love to READ

practice to learn ASL better
I love to do crossword puzzles. I also like going to Powwows (participate dancing) in different places here on the island and a couple or more on the mainland. I meet interesting natives and non-native people on the Powwow grounds. I met few Deaf people on the Powwows grounds. I really have fun signing with my Deaf friends that I met. I love to travel the most, especially to visit my family in New Mexico. Yay, families. :D
Plainly put - me: King of bada bing, she: Queen of bada boom boom!
Things I like/love to do are: watching a nice movie at night, shopping, playing games and just sitting there and drinking some tea/coffee while chit chatting :D , reading, doing sports and spending time with my boys!!!