What Do You Collect?


New Member
Nov 10, 2004
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There are a lot of people who collect things like toys and games and stuff: What do you collect?

I collect comic issues and I have 12 boxes so that's about more than 5,000 comic issues I have. I also collect Star Wars toys from 1980s to present. I will post some pictures of my collection room later.

So what do you collect?
Collects seashells and interesting or funny looking matches.
Like to collect anything related to butterflies.
I like to collect the sea shells if it is real pretty looking shells and also like to collect the cat things like plate that has cats in it or figurines and also like dog too as same with cats. Also I like to collect the old tea cups with plates like antiques. :angel:
I like to collect feathers, postcards, and colorful rocks/pebbles...
like to collect old pop cans back in 70's, 80's, 90's :D

also like to collect coins from all over the world that my family have been to
TOYS! I love to collect toys. I used to collect pez and posters, but since having children, I dont anymore.

im collection of British Royals im really like Princess Diana and Prince William

Sara Boyce
porcellan dolls
florist flowers, roses which I received from my hubby or friends to dry them to decorate in my house & also use them for handicrafts, too...
old fruits, flowers etc to dried them to make florist flowers....old vases, glasses vases, plates, jugs, more glasses, old picture frames, furniture to use for
restoration/handicrafts... It´s my hobby to restore/false the things into porcellan look, china look, antique look from junk furniture etc.
Homer Laughlin Fiestas, antique celluloid dogs and sport memborilla (sp?) for my hubby.
Playbills (that's BILLS NOT BOYS!) .....I like collecting ones from different Broadway shows, and even have one from a BUSTER KEATON (silent film star) play! My latest addition to that collection is the Broadway playbill from the Producers....It is my ambition to collect a Playbill from every single Broadway theatre, as well as maybe one from the Tonys! Sign language stuff......I used to collect comics....I still have them, and actually I love reading the horror ones...I wish they still had them! VERY fun reading!
deafdyke said:
Playbills (that's BILLS NOT BOYS!) .....I like collecting ones from different Broadway shows, and even have one from a BUSTER KEATON (silent film star) play! My latest addition to that collection is the Broadway playbill from the Producers....It is my ambition to collect a Playbill from every single Broadway theatre, as well as maybe one from the Tonys!
Cool! I have a few Broadway Playbills, including Helen Hayes (autographed), when I saw her and Jimmy Stewart in "Harvey". I also have one from "Carousel" and one from "Man of La Mancha."
I like to collect Coke things (especially old fashioned), stamps (both old & new and all over in the world), coins (anywhere from 1900's to present), and bears.
I collect anything related to bears, frogs (No I don't like REAL frogs) and apples.

In my kitchen, apples are everywhere in there. (Pictures of apples, towels and mitten, rugs of apple, etc)