What do I do?

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Dec 29, 2007
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My friend is Bi, I'm not, im straight. She currently has a BF but she fancies me more than she fancies him. She keeps sayig she loves me and always feel like she wants to kiss me.
Same thing you would do to a guy that did the same thing. Tell them "Sorry, not my type" or similar words. You are a cute lady, so I know you have had to do this before.
Actually no I have not. She knows I have no interest in her. I guess I'll talk to her again, she is my best friend. She probably needs extra explanation that she cannot be with me
Wow..that can be tough. Just be firm with her about how you feel. Best of luck!
Boys! Let's behave here now. :)

DeafLissa90, if your friend is aware that you have no interests and she doesn't respect you for that, perhaps it is time to distance from her for a while.
Lissa, It seems to me that you might talk to her to make sure she understands where you stands and how you feel. Remind her again how you feel. You can tell her that you feel uncomfortable that she was telling you how she feels about you. maybe she did not realize how far she have done it to you because she is happy that you are her best friend. You will know when its time to stop from there. hope things are going so well between you girls.
I've had "passes" made at me, too....friends (but not "best" friend)...and co-workers who were bi......I just ignored them! And avoided them.

It actually made me angry. As I'm straight also, never had the desire to be Bi or experiment.

Since she is "ur best friend"....it's gonna be a lot harder to ignore or avoid....if talking to her doesn't work, and she continues her behavior, you may have to take a drastic measure and cut her off for awhile!

Sounds as if she's confused!....And I bet it makes you "feel bad". But remmy, she put you in a bad position!...She needs to apolize....and leave you alone....if she won't....then it's up to you to continue to be her "best friend" but knowing her feelings toward you!....As for me, I would "cut her loose".
If she already has a boyfriend, she would be cheating on him by being with anyone male or female. Tell her that she's taken and cheating is wrong. That and you are asexual.
Boys! Let's behave here now. :)

DeafLissa90, if your friend is aware that you have no interests and she doesn't respect you for that, perhaps it is time to distance from her for a while.

I agree with Brian on this one, DeafLissa90.

I agree with Brian on this one, DeafLissa90.
I also agree. I just avoided agreeing with him right away, since I was being scolded for my video comment. I did not want to agree with that part. :P
It's important that you stand up for yourself. I've learned this hard lesson a while back. If you let your friends walk over you, you'll never be happy. I agree that this is a tough situation to be in since she's your "best friend", but remember that if she's truly your best friend, she would respect your feelings. Sometimes people act like best buddies in order to get what they want because they know that their "best friends" will bend over backwards for them. I've had "best friends" like that before - it didn't go well when I stood up to one, but I felt good about the fact that I didn't do things for him that I would regret (as in doing some illegal stuff to get what he wanted).

I have known you a little bit on AD and will say that you're a nice gal; you do NOT deserve to be taken advantage of by anyone.

I hope it works out for ya. Just remember to stand up for yourself.
Can this thread be closed? Thanks
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