What did you learn today? Part II


In Hazzard County
Super Moderator
Premium Member
Nov 30, 2005
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Continued from Part I

I learned that we only have 2 days left for the year.
Continued from Part I

I learned that we only have 2 days left for the year.

What? You've already written off today? Counting today we have 3 days left. :)

Well, caz has 2-1/2 days left and anyone who reads this later today.... :P
Ok, 3 full days left. :)

What? You've already written off today? Counting today we have 3 days left. :)

Well, caz has 2-1/2 days left and anyone who reads this later today.... :P
I learned that my Christmas gift can keep the whole 1st floor warm. Neat!
I learned that Gouda cheese mixed with bacon and slathered over french fries is pretty darn good. Had it last night.
It sooooo much quicker get states and back than Wales 1 way on train that 3times over filled and DEFiNatly not when uni students are coming and going.Also one tube lines suspends over holiday period wish I checked that out before traveling I learnt hard lesson.Hundreds of people twittered what dreadful journey it was husband said train guard announced he noticed when he was tweeting.Strange I thought they worked no spend every moment tweeting live and learn
I learned that I have cancer but can be treatable. I have made an appointment to see the cancer surgeon in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA on January 14, 2016 to prepare for surgery and then chemotherapy. Will let you know more about my result. :(

P.S. It has come back again. Second time is suck.
I learned that I have cancer but can be treatable. I have made an appointment to see the cancer surgeon in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA on January 14, 2016 to prepare for surgery and then chemotherapy. Will let you know more about my result. :(

P.S. It has come back again. Second time is suck.

I'm really sorry. Good luck in your treatments.
I learned that I have cancer but can be treatable. I have made an appointment to see the cancer surgeon in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA on January 14, 2016 to prepare for surgery and then chemotherapy. Will let you know more about my result. :(

P.S. It has come back again. Second time is suck.
I'm very sorry. I hope your surgery and treatments go well. :hug:
I learned that I have cancer but can be treatable. I have made an appointment to see the cancer surgeon in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA on January 14, 2016 to prepare for surgery and then chemotherapy. Will let you know more about my result. :(

P.S. It has come back again. Second time is suck.

I am sorry to hear this . :(
Thank you, Botti, Reba and WDYS. Cancer sucks. I am not the only one. My mother had it with Alzheimer's Disease. My niece who lived in Ontario, Canada had it. I had it while I was living in Ontario, Canada. I had surgery to take it out and did not have to go through chemotherapy. I was lucky. Now I found out I am having it again. Dang!!!! Geeze. The doctor said that after the surgery to remove cancer, I have to go through chemotherapy. So I will see what is going on when I get down to Albuquerque. I will have ASL interpreter to help me understand what the Cancer surgeon say. :(
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Wow that does suck :( but I hope that 2016 will still be an awesome year for you Bebonang

I learned that I have cancer but can be treatable. I have made an appointment to see the cancer surgeon in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA on January 14, 2016 to prepare for surgery and then chemotherapy. Will let you know more about my result. :(

P.S. It has come back again. Second time is suck.

I'm so very sorry that your new year is starting off with you being ill. Sending many prayers your way.
I learned that I have cancer but can be treatable. I have made an appointment to see the cancer surgeon in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA on January 14, 2016 to prepare for surgery and then chemotherapy. Will let you know more about my result. :(

P.S. It has come back again. Second time is suck.

I learned that I have cancer but can be treatable. I have made an appointment to see the cancer surgeon in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA on January 14, 2016 to prepare for surgery and then chemotherapy. Will let you know more about my result. :(

P.S. It has come back again. Second time is suck.

Oh, Bebonang, I am so very sorry to hear of this unfortunate news. Prayers going out for you! :hug:
I learned that I have cancer but can be treatable. I have made an appointment to see the cancer surgeon in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA on January 14, 2016 to prepare for surgery and then chemotherapy. Will let you know more about my result. :(

P.S. It has come back again. Second time is suck.

I'm so sorry to read this. I hope all goes well, and keep us posted. You're in our prayers!
I learned that I have cancer but can be treatable. I have made an appointment to see the cancer surgeon in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA on January 14, 2016 to prepare for surgery and then chemotherapy. Will let you know more about my result. :(

P.S. It has come back again. Second time is suck.
