What did you do after...


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Dec 23, 2004
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What did you do after you birth your baby?

Go to college or go back to work or what?
Is it wrong for mothers go back to work or start work or attend to college after birth baby?

Since, Im thinking about to find a full time job with good payment and good insurance to support myself and my baby. Also, Im thinking about to go to college BUT for internet for now... I want to become successful that my baby could look up to like I did look up to my own parents because they are very successful in my own eyes. I really want to be a strong and good mother to my girl like my mom did to me. Im going to teach her everything like my parents did teach me when I raised up by them. I hope I will be a good mother since Im a bit of nervous right now..

Sorry for making too many threads today, I know it's my third thread to asking. I hope you guys will understand so thanks!
When I got pregnant with my first child, I was only 24 years old and a full time college student at ASU. I had the baby the Thursday before spring break. Took off for Spring break and went right back to classes after Spring Break. I didnt work at the time.

With my 2nd one, I took 10 weeks off from work. I cant afford to quit my job to be a stay at home mom.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to go back to work or school after having a baby. Not everyone is meant to be stay-at-home moms...I know I am not. I tried it for one summer..got too restless.
When I got pregnant with my first child, I was only 24 years old and a full time college student at ASU. I had the baby the Thursday before spring break. Took off for Spring break and went right back to classes after Spring Break. I didnt work at the time.

With my 2nd one, I took 10 weeks off from work. I cant afford to quit my job to be a stay at home mom.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to go back to work or school after having a baby. Not everyone is meant to be stay-at-home moms...I know I am not. I tried it for one summer..got too restless.

Thank you for respond.

Wow, since I will be 24 yrs old on this July. I just wonder since I just don't want to make any miskates on my own girl. I prefer to making sure that it's ok or not. Since, I hate to be on SSI since I quitted my job on March 2008 to living in Michigan from Washington State so I can have my family's support me and my baby. Now, I am very restless and very complain and want to do something but my parents says NO since Im 35 weeks right now. I can't do everything or I will end up in pain or could get labor very early which isnt good. I had been working alot of overtime for one and half years since. Just can't stand to being at home now. I must go out to do something even if my dad or mom is going to food store, I am GOING! I guess it's sucks eh. But I know I will be very busy once my baby borns but I need a job that I can afford more than just SSI and I can have best insurance for my baby so she don't have LIMIT doctors you know? Ugh, that's very sucks...

So thank you! :D
I was stay home mom ever since my son was born and I am start looking for part time job.

I am sure you'll do just fine...just be aware that day care is very expenisve. Who is gonna watch her? Your parent? Or sisters?

Good luck!!
I was stay home mom ever since my son was born and I am start looking for part time job.

I am sure you'll do just fine...just be aware that day care is very expenisve. Who is gonna watch her? Your parent? Or sisters?

Good luck!!

Im thinking about to work on 3rd Shift that's way my parents can watch her during the night then I can watch her during the day since my mom does work on 1st Shift. My dad don't work, he's retired but thinking about to work part time. My brother will be gone to Army. My sisters work plus my sister have a son who born in September 2007. It's diffcult eh?
Oh yea...what about your close friends live nearby?? Maybe she/he willing help you out and pay what you can??

Im thinking about to work on 3rd Shift that's way my parents can watch her during the night then I can watch her during the day since my mom does work on 1st Shift. My dad don't work, he's retired but thinking about to work part time. My brother will be gone to Army. My sisters work plus my sister have a son who born in September 2007. It's diffcult eh?
Oh yea...what about your close friends live nearby?? Maybe she/he willing help you out and pay what you can??

Well, my two best friends; Gabrielle is pregnant with her son and due on June 20. And, Sasha(member of this alldeaf: Garrant) is pregnant with her son and due on July 15th, I think. They are the one that who could help me with few things like I would help them also. But it will be a little hard because we have babies at almost same time. Plus, my best friend Tiffanie lives around 2 hours away from me and she would admit to help me once she or I visit each other. And I know one of my best friends who would help me with most of things since he's great guy for me BUT he lives very far away and I wouldn't wait to seeing him once he comes here or I goes over there. :D
Well, my mother went back to work three weeks or so after my birth.

Three of my sisters chose to be stay at home moms and one sister has no choice but to work. She had mum and me to help out and stuff.

If I were to be a mother then I'd try and stay home for a year if possible.
I was 22 years old and on active duty in the Navy when my daughter was born. I was allowed six weeks off for maternity leave. After that, I had to go back to work.

If I could do it over again, I wouldn't do it that way. I regret putting her in day care at so young an age.
If you go back to work sooner then you will be very tired. It takes awhile for body to adjust, you know lack of sleep, and horomones change. I was happy to stay home and take care of baby for while. I understand u hate living on SSI because you are single mom while I have a husband who take care of us are not same thing.

My niece gave birth to baby last year 35 weeks pregnant and they kept baby in hospital for one week because of premature. So try to wait till full term then have a healthy baby.
I was 22 years old and on active duty in the Navy when my daughter was born. I was allowed six weeks off for maternity leave. After that, I had to go back to work.

If I could do it over again, I wouldn't do it that way. I regret putting her in day care at so young an age.
I am sorry u had to put her in daycare so young. I felt guilty when I leave my son to baby sitter and could not get it out of me so when next child came along, I made decision to stay home and raised them myself without babysitter or daycare.
First one I stayed home for the first year - LOVED it. We were flat broke but it was worth it. However, I also was isolated and had very little and sometimes no support. I also was in graduate school to get my Masters in deaf education. The second baby I had to work because I was a single mother...and I HATED it. I felt so guilty and would cry every morning as I drove to work. I used a nanny that stayed at my house during the day. However, I had more support from my social circles. Some mothers love working outside the home, but personally I much rather be at home during that first year. I think it depends on each mother's personality, childhood experiences, and current living situation.
I was lucky with both of my kids when they were babies. With my firstborn, my daughter, my ex's mother watched her and with my son, my mother in law watched him so I think that made it easier to be able to go back to school and work. I am sure I would hate it if I left both of them in a daycare that young! I prefer to leave them at daycares at 2 years old or older which I did with my daughter.
many million mothers in states and worlds who have jobs and earn money for afford money they can rent to work or not but can plans become stay at home mom for years or longtimes till kids grow-up.

some mothers who have c-section they can leave work for 6 weeks my Aunt have 3 c-section when my young cousin was born and my Aunt know how long heal after c-section to lose gain weight every day or everyday whether how mom lose calories and lose weight till any lbs.

i know mostly mothers who not going return regular work because kids need mom all the times as full-times or going return to school whether kids wanted it.

i know mostly teenager mothers going return to school after baby born and im sure grandma will watch baby or daycare to pay for that.
I stayed home with my baby after he born. Now he is 10 years old. I am so proud of him.
I took 6 weeks maternity leave before child's birth date and then 8 weeks after child's birth date with full pay from my Employer and then 3 years maternity leave/mother care with mother care benefit from government until my child goes to Nursery at age 3 then go back to work. Accord law, every employer are obligate to keep my position until I am back but they hire someone for me as replacement until I'm back...