What did this sign mean?


New Member
May 24, 2011
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I'm trying to learn ASL, but my progress (due to having only books and no classes, and no one to practice with regularly) has been slow. Well I just had a very brief encounter with a Deaf man, and we had a fairly successful conversation in ASL. There was however one sign that I didn't understand, and rather than spell it, he just switched to something else. It's bugging me because I feel like it's something I should know, or did know and have forgotten... can someone tell me what this sign was?

Both hands clenched, with index and middle fingers sticking out together. The outstretched fingers of one hand tapping those of the other.

I'd really appreciate the help, and apologize if this is a really stupid question!
Sounds like he was signing "Until"??

Then again I am way out of touch when it comes to sign.
It was the sides of the fingers that touched, not the tips. Should've been clearer :)
Seems like the sign for "name."

Sent from my iPhone using AllDeaf
Oh wow. I KNEW it was a sign I knew... and that's one of the absolute most basic.
I'm 8 months pregnant, can I use pregnancy brain as an excuse for that severe mental lapse?
pregnancy brain

hahaha! Yes! You can. :D

Congratulations on your pregnancy. I just had my second child 5 months ago and I had a lot of pregnancy brain experiences.
Haha thank you :) And congrats on your baby!
I'm just hoping I run into him again soon so I can apologize for being an idiot!
Yeah, Oh man, I feel your pain. It's the kind of thing you keep replaying in your head and then face-palming. I've done that a lot after signing with deaf people. Partly it's because I've been too shy my whole life and get nervous. But I'm trying to get better, that's why I'm here. :)