What coloured moulds should I get?


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2012
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I am getting coloured moulds for the first time since I was a child. Been 5 years since I was allowed them.

I have red see through aids and spare light grey (looks more like white) aids, what would go with them?

Any ideas?

I really want full coloured moulds not the glitter ones.
whatever colors you want to get! I wish I could do color molds but I think I've got an allergy to the colored materials, so I just stick with clear ones. But have fun with your new molds! Maybe use your favorite colors?
Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

What about red and black swirls?
whatever colors you want to get! I wish I could do color molds but I think I've got an allergy to the colored materials, so I just stick with clear ones. But have fun with your new molds! Maybe use your favorite colors?

same here Meggers, I have an allergy to colored materials but that doesn't stop me from getting hypoallergenic clear purple earmolds with glitter too.
Ive decided on Red and White swirls so they match either my red Naida's or my Light Grey but looks more like white Naida's.

Ive read that people dont think they last as long. In what way is that? I have a profound loss and my clear moulds never last more then a year, more like 10 months.
Ive decided on Red and White swirls so they match either my red Naida's or my Light Grey but looks more like white Naida's.

Ive read that people dont think they last as long. In what way is that? I have a profound loss and my clear moulds never last more then a year, more like 10 months.

Red and white swirls would be my vote. That would go with both the red Nadia's and the Light Grey/White Nadia's.

I wish my parents would let me get colored molds. I would get purple ones! They want me to stick with the clear ones instead :roll:
same here Meggers, I have an allergy to colored materials but that doesn't stop me from getting hypoallergenic clear purple earmolds with glitter too.

They have hypoallergenic purple earmolds - with GLITTER?!? Oh my gosh. I HAVE to get those! I'm allergic to the colored materials, too, but I didn't know that they had hypoallergenic colored molds. Bye bye, boring clear - hello purple glitter! :D
Red and white swirls would be my vote. That would go with both the red Nadia's and the Light Grey/White Nadia's.

I wish my parents would let me get colored molds. I would get purple ones! They want me to stick with the clear ones instead :roll:

From what you've told us thus far, I suspect your parents don't want to "advertise" your HAs. :roll:
Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

MintyOreo said:
Ive decided on Red and White swirls so they match either my red Naida's or my Light Grey but looks more like white Naida's.

Ive read that people dont think they last as long. In what way is that? I have a profound loss and my clear moulds never last more then a year, more like 10 months.

Red and white swirls would be my vote. That would go with both the red Nadia's and the Light Grey/White Nadia's.

I wish my parents would let me get colored molds. I would get purple ones! They want me to stick with the clear ones instead :roll:

They cost the exact same amount - and your old enough to go for mould impressions yourself, next time just tell the Audie you want a coloured mould - they have colour samples in the office.

I'm 34 and have blue and green swirls :) :)
From what you've told us thus far, I suspect your parents don't want to "advertise" your HAs. :roll:

Exactly right. Visible HAs are bad enough - heaven forbid they are COLORFUL, too! :roll:

My father was trying to talk to me a few days ago. He said something like "You know, they have completely invisible hearing aids now. They go the whole way in your canal, and you can't see them at all! You should get those." I told him that first of all, I can't get that kind because my ears are WAY too small and because they don't fit my hearing loss, and two, I don't want that kind of hearing aid. He got mad and asked me why I would ever want a giant banana hearing aid behind my ear, and why I couldn't be sensible and "keep up my appearance" - "Why ruin your chances of ever getting a boyfriend by having really visible hearing aids?"

:roll: *sigh*

I'm telling the audi that I want purple glitter earmolds, and I don't care what my parents have to say about it!
@MintyOreo, yep there are hypnoallergic clear earmolds with whatever color glitter in it! and yep, that was Rhonda`s (my audi) idea since she knows my earmold allergy!
Exactly right. Visible HAs are bad enough - heaven forbid they are COLORFUL, too! :roll:

My father was trying to talk to me a few days ago. He said something like "You know, they have completely invisible hearing aids now. They go the whole way in your canal, and you can't see them at all! You should get those." I told him that first of all, I can't get that kind because my ears are WAY too small and because they don't fit my hearing loss, and two, I don't want that kind of hearing aid. He got mad and asked me why I would ever want a giant banana hearing aid behind my ear, and why I couldn't be sensible and "keep up my appearance" - "Why ruin your chances of ever getting a boyfriend by having really visible hearing aids?"

:roll: *sigh*

I'm telling the audi that I want purple glitter earmolds, and I don't care what my parents have to say about it!

I got the same sort of chat from my parents, I guess they just cant understand why we are not ashamed of having hearing aids. The more colourful the better i say.