What age do you think that people should be marriage?


Sep 24, 2008
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i think people should be marriage at the age of 25-years old and stared a family at the age of 30.:lol::aw::wave::cool2::D
I feel a couple should be able to marry when they are responsible enough and ready.

I have seen plenty of older people marry for the wrong reasons. So age should really not matter in responsible adult couples.
IMO, I think the 30's is the best time to marry, settle down, start a family. By then, you should have a steady job, played around enuf (hopefully)....vehicle, etc.

But people do vary to some degree. I'm hoping my boys will just have a good time before settling down and taking on so much responsibility. Some people never do grow up, tho'. So the maturity factor is important too.
IMO, I think the 30's is the best time to marry, settle down, start a family. By then, you should have a steady job, played around enuf (hopefully)....vehicle, etc.

But people do vary to some degree. I'm hoping my boys will just have a good time before settling down and taking on so much responsibility. Some people never do grow up, tho'. So the maturity factor is important too.

Any adult or person can marry...Even the ones with a set career, cars, money... But are they emotionally ready. I have seen many people not get married til they are 30, and even then they were not ready.

It truly depends on the individuals. Depends on if the person is ready for a life long commitment.

Age is not a factor.

The mental, and emotional readiness is.
There should not be an actutal age to get married, Nobody is too young or too old when it comes to love. You'll just know when the time is right, Marriage is a life long commitment between two people that are willing to commit. ;)
Whenever they are ready. you know, the older you get, the higher risk of down syndrome.

So if people want to have babies while they are young and healthy, then so be it as long as their body have finished developing.

but please, don't make your parents become your children parents too.
i can wait get married till 30 or before 30 but ages doesnt matters
i dont think age matters. i think it would depend on whether the couple is ready and responsible enough to commit to somethin so big.

my bro was 20 and his wife was 3 days away from being 18 when the married.

see they think they are meant to be beacause they got together on Sept 12, 2004. his birthday is september 12. her birthday is september 11 [moment of silence] and they got married on september 8, 2007.

but then my parents had a talk with them and was like marriage isnt based on signs...etc. they got the pic. got married. blessed me with a nephew so yea alot of ppl thoought they were too young but they felt they were ready
i dont think age matters. i think it would depend on whether the couple is ready and responsible enough to commit to somethin so big.

my bro was 20 and his wife was 3 days away from being 18 when the married.

see they think they are meant to be beacause they got together on Sept 12, 2004. his birthday is september 12. her birthday is september 11 [moment of silence] and they got married on september 8, 2007.

but then my parents had a talk with them and was like marriage isnt based on signs...etc. they got the pic. got married. blessed me with a nephew so yea alot of ppl thoought they were too young but they felt they were ready

oh really!

when my parents got married very young my mom was 19 years old and my dad was 25 years old but both got married before x-mas in 1977 i dont like rushed of my parents got married in early!! but im sure i can wait get married till ages matters but my boyfriend James and me will decision when will married somedays but not now.
Interest, it is worth for me to be married at 21 and had a child at 22. I am glad cuz if I waited till after 30 to have child then I would never get pregnant.

Ages mean nothing. My son and his wife got married almost two years ago and they are expecting their first child in Aug. My son is 26 and his wife is 24 and they have a great job and own house so I do not see why they should wait till after 30. My niece waited till 38 to have a first child because she was not ready. Now she is 40 and wanted to have one more child. It is more risk for her because of her age.
I dont think age matters....it is the maturity level that matters, IMO.
I honestly think they should only get married when they are ready. But for me... I'd like it to be in 20's. lol
All of my sister's friends and herself got married in their late 20's. I plan to get married after college which would put me in the age of 24-26.