What About Other Sign Languages?


New Member
Jan 21, 2006
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In response to another thread regarding sign language being the hottest topic ever.... something popped back into my mind, so here's a new thread, y'all.

WHERE could we begin to learn foreign sign language? Does Gallaudet/CSUN/NTID/ASU or any other educational institution provide classes in that department? I'm optimistic we don't really have to leave the USA just to learn a new country's system of sign language, y'know! :fingersx:
I'm sure the RNID and equivelant organisations around the world would provide you with material to learn BSL (or whatever). Although to learn NTS (Norsk Tegnspråk - Norwegian Signlanguage) material would probably be in Norwegian and not English!

I'd start off the same way as I would learn any language: get a firm grasp of the alphabet, basic grammar and buy a dictionary. Then converse with native speakers or take classes.