Websites to educate new boss/coworkers about deaf employees


Feb 11, 2008
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Hi. I have a new job starting in two weeks. The firm has never had a deaf employee before.

I'd like good websites on how to work with deaf people, communication,etc. I've been looking around,,,,, any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

what kinda job is it?
(drags cigarette, inhales deeply, exhales, sips a fine drink mmmmm)
Would there be a 'general' site that contains all methods of communications? How to use interpreters, what kinds of equipment deaf people would need/use. How to talk to a deaf person (if they are oral or use some hearing/voice)... I don't think what the job is really matters...

If I come across any, I'll post. I've been trying to find something similar because I'm having a hell of a time with recruiters/HR people when they email me then want a phone number (I don't put mine on my resume for obvious reasons). Kind of frustrates me as some deaf folks seem to be able to zip through this part easily enough. Yes I'm being assertive and do tell 'em I'm deaf but apparently some have selective sight :P

oops sorry that turned into a mini-:pissed:
JAN job accommodations network. Google your questions and you will find sites. Like NTID/RIT and Gallaudet career center.

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