:waves: I'm back.


New Member
Jun 24, 2007
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I do not know if anyone here remembers me but I'm the gal that posted the thread on hearing and deaf realtionships and abuse. I wanted to let everyone know that everything has been better. My husband no longer hurts me or hits me. I'm not sure why he ever did. My father stepped in and defended me is all I can say. My husband mother also stepped in and said her piece to him as well. I have no idea why he thought he could get away with hurting me. I did follow everyones advice and left him when it got really bad and it seemed to have worked. It's been almost a year since he's laid a hand on me and I hope it stay's that way. My marriage is still on very shaky ground but it seems to be improving.

I'd like to thank everyone who was there for me when I needed ya'll the most. I feel so alone in this hearing world and the only Deaf friend I had moved away to ms and then ohio. we've lost touch yet again. Jennifer you know who this is-if you're on here contact me!

I remember you posting around in the early days when you joined.

Welcome back!
Welcome back, although I was not here in your early days.:wave:
:welcome: back to AllDeaf forum. I am sorry that your marriage is really bad with your husband giving you the abuse. That is terrible and I am very glad that your family including your mother-in-law defend you. No women and children should not have gone through abuse like this. Yeah, it is a puzzle why men abuse women and children. Anyway, Hope you can continue and have more fun reading and posting all the threads here. See you around, Jaspheth. :hug: