/wave from New York


New Member
Jun 22, 2008
Reaction score
Hey how is everyone doing?

I came here hoping I can help someone. :hmm:
To pass the AD test - have you been to the Liberty Statue?



(Just kidding)
welcome and does anyone need a helping hand from her??

How do you know if siyavi is a her? What if siyavi is a male, eh? I don't know why He/She did not put enough information for the introduction to tell us what he want to help a Deaf friend.
How do you know if siyavi is a her? What if siyavi is a male, eh? I don't know why He/She did not put enough information for the introduction to tell us what he want to help a Deaf friend.

You are right. Maybe a male. Must be on vacation for 4th of July. Surely they will come back and enlighten us next week.:P

:p Noone is allowed to the Statue of Liberty nowadays (at least when I tried to get there last few years) due to fear of terrorism.


Does Siyavi sound like a female name to you? :O


Not sure, I might've worded it wrong. I just figured I can make myself useful by telling everyone I can help them with just about anything they need help with. Usually I help them with technical details such as web application development because it's what I do.


I should. :| I don't put enough info in any of my profiles.

Hopefully I can meet some folks here. My social skills are rusty. :|
Hi and :welcome: to AD! Enjoy your stay with us on this fun site. :)

(You can help me do the housework. :P )

:p Noone is allowed to the Statue of Liberty nowadays (at least when I tried to get there last few years) due to fear of terrorism.


Does Siyavi sound like a female name to you? :O


Not sure, I might've worded it wrong. I just figured I can make myself useful by telling everyone I can help them with just about anything they need help with. Usually I help them with technical details such as web application development because it's what I do.


I should. :| I don't put enough info in any of my profiles.

Hopefully I can meet some folks here. My social skills are rusty. :|

My social skills are bad too. Jclarke is my computer technical guru, he has a thread where you can ask anything. Maybe you could put a thread for people to ask you for help.

But I still don't understand, are you male or female?
My social skills are bad too. Jclarke is my computer technical guru, he has a thread where you can ask anything. Maybe you could put a thread for people to ask you for help.

But I still don't understand, are you male or female?

Why, thank you! :thumb:
Welcome to AD and I hope you enjoy the stay with us and happy posting away! :)