Want your opinion: LG U900 VS iPhone


AD Veteran
Premium Member
Nov 20, 2006
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I am looking at upgrading to a newer phone from Nokia N95 - am having difficulties on deciding what phone I would like tp upgrade, but I am leaning on this sexy U990 apart with iPhone.


What is your opinion?
LG is the best, because it has a better features in the camera, like it would capture the water dripping from the rain, or whatever. It also have a slow motion capture, and few other stuff. iPhone don't have that.
LG is the best, because it has a better features in the camera, like it would capture the water dripping from the rain, or whatever. It also have a slow motion capture, and few other stuff. iPhone don't have that.

I agree, authentic. I notice, does iPhone have a camera, itself?
iPhone does have camera. I think you want iPhone because that way you could watch movie with CC. But I really have no idea in Australia region. Unless you would use R1.
iPhone does have camera. I think you want iPhone because that way you could watch movie with CC. But I really have no idea in Australia region. Unless you would use R1.

I don't care about burning DVD's into these iPhones or iPod's anymore. I perfer to watch it on my rather large TV ;) We have iPhones in Australia, they are coming soon I think. But I checked out the LG U990 and it looks awesome, haven't tested the demo though. The LG has more features than the iPhone have. I was told by reviewers that the internet browers are good than iPhone. But it has no wifi unfortunately, but I really don't care :lol:
why dont u just wait til iphone 2.0 will release ASAP so you can compare that with LG mobile ? i believe iphone 2.0 will be double better than original iphone.
That 2.0 won't come out in Australia for a while, unfortunately.
I do not see LG U900 or U990.
Currently, I use iphone (since March).
Yes, they have camera in iphone. I do not use iphone camera.
I use my Nikon D1h and Nikon D1X.
I am looking at upgrading to a newer phone from Nokia N95 - am having difficulties on deciding what phone I would like tp upgrade, but I am leaning on this sexy U990 apart with iPhone.


What is your opinion?

CORRECTIOn: It is U990
Maybe you could have a look at those cellphones at the store and ask for a testing phones so you can have a look and play around their working features etc. To help you decide which one to buy.
Maybe you could have a look at those cellphones at the store and ask for a testing phones so you can have a look and play around their working features etc. To help you decide which one to buy.

What about hang out your brother Jake to shopping to look for new cell phone, aussie?
What about hang out your brother Jake to shopping to look for new cell phone, aussie?

I could, but one problem, I am in West Australia and Jclarke is in East Australia. So it is a opposite states. You can pay for the airfare for me to fly there. jk

I will have a look at these phones tomorrow at my lunch break when I am at school ;)
I'd pick the iphone over that LG because I'm loyal to Apple. LG probably runs on a OS that isn't common elsewhere.
The phone is awesome but unfortunately, won't get one soon. :( Complication issue with the account. Fuck the company. I might try and find the cheapest on ebay instead.