Nintendo doesn't even seem to care that it's not recieving much third party support like Mircosoft and Sony do...
if Nintendo just wants to fool around showing pointless stuff, then be my guest...but I really wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo ends up like Sega in the future.
Nintendo 64 didn't really get much third party support due to the cost of cartridges and doesn't hold as much data as discs do on Playstation. discs are so much cheaper and holds so much data...and the Playstation controller was alot better than the Nintendo 64 controller.
Now Nintendo has actually improved their controller style for the GC, but still haven't really improved much of everything, like a REAL disc that should hold as much information as the Xbox and Playstation 2 discs do, but nnnnooo...Nintendo is so paranoid about the illegal copying and shit like that...but hey Nintendo shouldn't worry about it if they know there are already some kind of anti-copied game discs out there...most games are hard to copy now.
Nintendo was so fucked up when they say that gamers don't want online games...what the fuck? then why was Xbox live so damn popular since the launch?
and I've tried the DS at a store a couple times and guess what? I FUCKING HATE IT!
and I'm left handed as well...don't Nintendo EVER think of that? certainly there are some games that can let left handers do the job but not very many. and about the online chat for the DS, I dont really know if that's gonna happen...I mean, look at the GC! there aren't as many online games expect for Phantasy Star online...and...that's it!
I mean, how pathetic is that? It seems that Nintendo is actually becoming to be a liar these days...
first with the DD for the N64...saying it would be the first online stragety and would let this come to america as well but did it come at all? go find out in game stores or whatever like that to find out. (simple answer: no!)
Nintendo released a gameboy advance saying it would possibly work in the dark...but only the japanese GBA versions work...until GBA SP came, it actually juiced up some large attention to the audience, but Nintendo should've waited to come up with a backlit handheld system... :roll: the orginal GBA was HORRIBLE and was too dark to see and you need lots and lots and LOTS of lights to see the damn thing!
Nintendo was so obsessed with the GBA-GC connecting shit, and yet, nobody really cares! Nintend finally stopped bragging about it 'til late last year...finally!
Nintendo is still popular, but as popular as it used to be in the old days...
Nintendo is only kept alive because of the games made by Nintendo...
such as Mario, Metroid, and Zelda...but can they REALLY make Nintendo immortal, even with such lack of third party support?
let's find out.