Waardenburg Syndrome Pictures


New Member
Nov 20, 2012
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Hello everyone,
I am a graduate student at Florida International University and I am writing a review that will be published in a science textbook on pigmentation pathways and related human pigmentation disorders. I am planning on including a figure with the pigmentation defects I covered in the review, one of them being Waardenburg Syndrome. I was wondering if anyone will be interested in submitting a picture of themselves to be part of the textbook.

Thank you,
I am part of W.S. but why do you need new pictures for the book? Is it first book by your school?

I have seen lots of textbooks and ones that doctors use (including Genetics Doctors)...

I do NOT find this offensive because it has been ongoing since the 70's.. I just DISLIKE it unless I witness the work and purposes... There is over 500 pictures of the sydrome.. why need ours? copyrights?

What do we get for it when we provide pictures of ourselves to you?

People, you should be glad this is just simple instead of living in the old days being tested almost 24/7 for few years until the doctors are satisfied of understanding the W.S. My great aunt had to go through it willingfully to get some money and she said she didn't like the way she is being treated but it helps her help every W.S. out there such as us... and the doctor Waardenburg was one of the doctors who did the tests. I heard stories about it and I didn't like it either but am proud of her for doing us the favor... but again it is just ONE of many W.S. so... what would you say to that.

I appreciate it very much you responding to my post. As I mentioned before, I am a Biology Graduate Student and I am interested in the mechanisms that control pigmentation. One of the reasons this is interesting to me is that by understanding the basic science of pigmentation I can help develop treatments for disorders that involve pigmentation such as WS and piebaldism. My major professor and I were invited to write a chapter for a new book (''Skin Pigmentation: Genetics, Geographic Variation and Disorders'') that will be published by Nova Science. The chapter we are writing describes some of the important molecular pathways that control skin and hair pigmentation. Our lab has worked for years on one of the main genes that are mutated in patients with WS. We work on cells and mice and do not have access to patients. I felt it would be important to show in our chapter a figure that included not only the mice that carry the mutations in the important genes and help us better understand the pigmentation disorders but also the corresponding patients. I cannot use previously published photographs exactly because of copyright issues. I will not be paid for writing this paper and I am doing this with the intent of educating more people about the scientific progress that has been made in this area of research. If you are interested in helping me out by submitting a photograph please let me know and I will send you my contact information. The Publisher will require a written consent from anyone submitting a personal photograph.

I understand the position you are in. It just difficult for some of the people who takes it seriously. I don't. The problem is that I can not help you out with any photographs because for me, I do not look or have anything that is real obivous part of this syndrome. My family does but not me.. for some reason I only have part of it and people still can identify me having the syndrome. Someone who is "heavier" in them will have better signs, symbols, and pigmentation. Like you said in other post that it is common in deaf community to have this but I have seen plenty of hearing community that carries it. Good Luck. It is pretty difficult to get them here.
Whitetiger, thank you for your support. You are correct though, the pictures I am looking for will have to be someone displaying heavier signs and visible pigmentation defects. If you know of any other forums or communities online that i can contact that might have more people with Waardenburg please let me know. Thanks again!