WA mom of hoh son/ASL student


New Member
Oct 9, 2011
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Hi! I am a mom of two kids. My son is special needs and he is hard of hearing. I am back in school now and taking ASL. I have taken several classes through early intervention and I'm finally taking it through a college. I am looking for local Deaf events or gatherings that I can attend to help me learn and help me use what I have learned. Please let me know if you know of anything. Thanks!!! :wave:
:welcome: to AD! How old are your kids?
Welcome! What kind of speical needs does your son have? ASL is AWESOME for kids with mental disabilty and other issues, as even "just LD" or just mild nereologically affected kids very often have signiicent spoken lanuage issues.
Hi!! My son is 3 1/2 years old and my daughter just turned 5. My son was born with a chromosome deletion on his number 7 chromosome. Even though his actual age is 3 1/2 is is only about 8 months old developmentally. He doesn't really take to the sign yet. (Have been doing it with him for the last almost 3 years) but the hope is that he will one day. Until then I am loving this language. He will kind of half sign mommy once in a while, and he does understand no. That's about it :) I am teaching it to my daughter as well, but she is very stubborn. :)

I will check out Washington School for the Deaf. Thank you!

Thank you guys for being so nice!
Hi!! My son is 3 1/2 years old and my daughter just turned 5. My son was born with a chromosome deletion on his number 7 chromosome. Even though his actual age is 3 1/2 is is only about 8 months old developmentally.
I will check out Washington School for the Deaf. Thank you!

Thank you guys for being so nice!
OMG!!!!!!:shock: Are you a member of Chromosome Deletion Outreach? CDO - Welcome
They have 72 chromosome 7 cases listed. I actually have a deletion in my 18th chromosome myself. (but most people just think I'm HOH)
You may want to contact Washington School for the Blind as well:

WSSB Washington State School for the Blind I know he may not be blind or low vision, BUT schools for the blind are experianced with multihandicapped students, especially those who may be more severe. Sometimes deaf kids who may be on the more severe end of things, may be schooled with deaf-blind kids.....In other words they're deaf-blind multihandicapped without the blind, if that makes any sense. It's kind of too bad you guys aren't here in MA.....there is a school in Beverely that specializes in dhh kids with developmental issues: Children's Center for Communication
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. I do hope you enjoy reading and posting all the threads here. See you around here. :wave:
Thank you guys! Sorry I haven't been on in a few days. Kids and school keep me busy. :) I am not a member of Chromosome Deletion Outreach but I will definitely check that out. Ou geneticist actually introduced us to another family that used to live here. Their son was also chromosome 7 deletion. Not the same part of the number 7 but it was still very nice to meet soemone else with a child so close. I will check out WSSB as well. Right now he is in a regular elementary school, but they are the leading one for our area for hoh or Deaf kids. The offer signing in his pre-k and he also goes off on 1 on 1 time with the ASL teacher. Depending on how he grows and learns as he gets older will depend on which school he will go to. So far this one is doing everything he needs for now.

I am really enjoying this site! I just wish I could find more locals and local events. I do have a friend here that is Deaf and I have asked her so keep me in the loop on any local Deaf events. :) So sweet! Thanks to all of you!!
Thank you guys! Sorry I haven't been on in a few days. Kids and school keep me busy. :) I am not a member of Chromosome Deletion Outreach but I will definitely check that out. Ou geneticist actually introduced us to another family that used to live here. Their son was also chromosome 7 deletion. Not the same part of the number 7 but it was still very nice to meet soemone else with a child so close. I will check out WSSB as well. Right now he is in a regular elementary school, but they are the leading one for our area for hoh or Deaf kids. The offer signing in his pre-k and he also goes off on 1 on 1 time with the ASL teacher. Depending on how he grows and learns as he gets older will depend on which school he will go to. So far this one is doing everything he needs for now.

I am really enjoying this site! I just wish I could find more locals and local events. I do have a friend here that is Deaf and I have asked her so keep me in the loop on any local Deaf events. :) So sweet! Thanks to all of you!!
Yes, I can imagine! I can't remember how severely affected chromo 7 kids are.....but you do know to let your kid write his own story right? Even severe kids can benifit from ASL (they use ASL at the level of a toddler)
Yes, I can imagine! I can't remember how severely affected chromo 7 kids are.....but you do know to let your kid write his own story right? Even severe kids can benifit from ASL (they use ASL at the level of a toddler)

Oh yes! I try every day to help him in life but with out changing who he is. James is James. Weather he goes 1 mile developmentally or 10,000 miles developmentally...I will always love HIM for HIM :angel: We do work on some speech sounds, and he does wear his hearing aids but I believe that he will be more of a signer/gestuerer so my main focus is ASL. Which is why I am a student myself. :)
Oh yes! I try every day to help him in life but with out changing who he is. James is James. Weather he goes 1 mile developmentally or 10,000 miles developmentally...I will always love HIM for HIM :angel: We do work on some speech sounds, and he does wear his hearing aids but I believe that he will be more of a signer/gestuerer so my main focus is ASL. Which is why I am a student myself. :)

Oh that's good.....We do have at least one member on here whose son is HOH and more severe special needs. (meaning more then mild mental handicap) Are you finding the education OK? I know that it can be hard to get specialized deaf ed in a small general deaf ed classroom.