W-18: Experts Say New Drug Is 10,000 Times More Potent Than Morphine

Rockin robin posted abound this recently...

scary stuff..
thank you .
You showed gratitude. I show it back to you. Do not think deafness is the end. Open your eyes are look around AllDeaf. We are a living, fun loving community. On top of that, we all have some level of deafness. We, love you and knock off your dumb thinking that being deaf is the end of he world. Peace be with you.
You showed gratitude. I show it back to you. Do not think deafness is the end. Open your eyes are look around AllDeaf. We are a living, fun loving community. On top of that, we all have some level of deafness. We, love you and knock off your dumb thinking that being deaf is the end of he world. Peace be with you.
Yes man . it's just kinda outragious being deaf in the undeaf environement . but i enjoy life although i stress mostly
Being deaf is not that bad. Look aound AD. Many of us have overcome. You have excellent language skills. Use that to make yourself better and advance.