VP Etiquette?


Love Makes the World Go Round
Premium Member
Sep 7, 2006
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I have an issue in my house. I wont name nor identify the person but I am sure many of you probably will figure out who I am talking about. So, if you do, pls dont refer the person by his identification. :ty:

This person has been talking to this girl on my VP almost on a daily basis which I have no problem at all. They both are interested in each other but live long distance and this girl knows that there are kids in the house.

Well, one time I was in the kitchen and my kids were in the living room where they were chatting on VP. The TV faces the kitchen but I wasnt paying attention because I was cooking. Well, as I was finishing up, I turned to the living room to announce dinner and right there, I caught the girl flashing herself. I was dumbfounded. I told this person to tell this girl not to do that. He said that she just did it out of the blue so I turned to tell the girl to pls not to do that. She told me that it was a private matter between her and the person and it wasnt any of my business. Excuse me? I told her that my kids are in the living room and she told me that my VP should be somewhere private. Immediately, I do not like her and I hope to never meet her.

I told this person that she isnt allowed to call on my VP but he said that she is only 21 years old and just to give her a break.

Am I being too harsh? Is there such thing as VP etiquette?

I couldnt believe this b**tch telling me where I should put my VP. In fact, just thinking about it, I am boiling mad.
you know, people do get in serious trouble for showing porn to a minor. so she better care what she expose herself to a minor (your kids).

in fact, I know someone who is in jail right now for sending porn pictures to a minor (but that was one of it, the other was that he was caught red handed for trying to met one)
you know, people do get in serious trouble for showing porn to a minor.

in fact, I know someone who is in jail right now for sending porn pictures to a minor (but that was one of it, the other was that he was caught red handed for trying to met one)

That's why this girl is forbidden from calling here. If she wants to contact this person, she needs to contact him somewhere else.

She wasn't showing herself to my kids but knew that there were kids in the house. They didnt see thank god but if they did, all hell would have broken loose.

I just wish this person would cut her out because I have no interest in meeting her at all if they should ever start dating.
Whoa!...It's ur house, ur VP....unbelievable!...What a rude person!...No respect or any mannerisms!....Show that person the door! And I would not let them come back.
Whoa!...It's ur house, ur VP....unbelievable!...What a rude person!...No respect or any mannerisms!....Show that person the door! And I would not let them come back.

That person lives in another state. :)
I don't think you're in the wrong. Although I wouldn't call it etiquette since not everyone treats telephones (and videophones, I suspect) the same, however there is a serious lack of commonsense here. I means... people usually assume other people can overhear the conservations, then would ask the person if they are private before proceeding to say or do things that other people are not privy to.

It's akin to keeping the family computer in a public space, so no one can hide behind the computer screen and do anything suspicious. Same thing applies here.

Really, it's like a telephone. In some people's homes, all phones are kept in public areas like the kitchen and living room. If hearing people have guidelines like that in their own homes, then I don't see why your household would be any different?

Sounds like to me that this girl isn't used to dealing with other family's values. So you are not in the wrong.
Wow... Your house you owned, not her or that person. They have to respect that. I think you did right thing. The girl CANNOT do that if there are children in your home. It's just not so right! I don't live with my mom.. but if I visit her house, still, I have to respect her house. Just like she did visit my home and respected roommates and me for our rules...

"Out of blue"? I don't think he told the truth, anyway.
:hmm: It is your house and the person/that person should show some respect and should be considerate.

I went through the similar situation myself and in the end, I moved my vp in other room to have more privacy.

It is also your VP and the person should be more considerate, if the person has his/her own VP and in different room with door closed, then it's fine.

I think you should tell the person that he/she can't use VP to contact because of violation of respect.
21 years old, of course, apparently that she has shown that she has no concerns like she has NO manners at all. I agree with you that she needs to be aware where kids are around. Indeed, this person you are living with, let him know how you feel about it. this person needs to see if that girl is his future what if she will continues to do it out of blue often. Come on. She needs to fix her mind into reality, not fantasy. you are not wrong or harsh at all. If i were in your shoes, i would do the same thing. to be honest, she is idiot for doing it. I was 21 years old and would not do that and knowing that VP is not exactly private. get real.
You were exactly right. Your first obligation is to your children. You have every right to pull the plug on them. They are self-centered, immature, and rude. Your children shouldn't be exposed to that kind of behavior.

Hang in there!
I would suggest that you take away this guy's VP privileges for this. It's just too bad that we are not able to block other specific people from caling us (at least on Sorenson VP).

It's your house, your VP, you have children, so of course it is your business to know what goes on over the VP, no matter who is using the VP. This girl is just being a bitch.
The VP is your, she is not supposed to tell you where to move your VP in your house. You have the right to block her (idk if vp can do that?) or tell this guy to get his own VP + TV only if he have, and put it in his room. That is his freedom!
absolutely. It's YOUR VP in YOUR OWN HOME. Your kids are #1 priority. tell this rude person - "My house, my rule" and then stomp on the ground a few times after that. If this person wants a privacy, he/she can get one for himself at his own home or wherever.

but.... I have to ask - was this girl who flashed.... hot?
but.... I have to ask - was this girl who flashed.... hot?

I think I agree with just about everybody. Shel, it's your house, your kids, and, your VP. Therefore, it's your rules. If the user of the VP doesn't like your rules, he can talk to the girl somewhere.
Thanks everyone. She hasnt tried calling since I told her off. The guy told me that he had told her that there were kids around when she told him what she was going to do so immediately after he told her about my kids, she went ahead and did it. That's the story I got but since then, nothing from her. Whew!

Jiro, I am not a lesbain so I wouldnt know. :lol:
It's your house, your rules, if she doesn't like it tough. She should had been more understanding on how concerned you were about your children, but obviously she has no respect. If I were you, I wouldn't allow her to call my place of home until she starts showing some respect. I wouldn't want no 21 years old talking down on me.