Voter asks Hillary about rape claims against Bill


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
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WASHINGTON — A woman at a Hillary Clinton campaign event in New Hampshire on Thursday dared to ask the Democratic presidential candidate if she believed the charges made by women who say her husband raped or harassed them.

“You say that all rape victims should be believed,” the audience member said at the Manchester event, which was focused on opportunities for women.

"But would you say that about Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey, and/or Paula Jones — should we believe them as well?”

All three women claim Bill Clinton raped or sexually harassed them decades ago.

Hillary Clinton responded by defending her husband.

“Well, I would say that everybody should be believed at first until they are disbelieved based on evidence,” she said, before moving on.

The audience applauded the former secretary of state.

Throughout her campaign, Clinton has condemned sexual assault and championed victims’ rights.

She spoke out recently following the airing of a CNN documentary called “The Hunting Ground” on students on college campuses who said they were raped but weren’t taken seriously by administrators.

“Every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed, and supported,” she tweeted.

But that statement prompted plenty of Twitter responses asking about the women who have accused President Bill Clinton of rape, but didn’t get justice.
Interesting but Hilary's non-response was no surprise.
Why did t it not go to court first lace
Why did t it not go to court first lace

:lol:....ever tried taking the President of the United States to Court?....(as he was at that time)....He could have ran around with his pants to his ankles if he wanted to....:giggle:...then say..."It wasn't me!"

Had a friend say to me..."I'm voting for Hillary!...Look at all that experience!"....:roll:

She is and still is...a disgrace to all womanhood!...and like she told Bill...(not sure if it is true or not)...."Keep your pants on!...or you'll be known as the President who couldn't keep his pants zipped up"
:lol:....ever tried taking the President of the United States to Court?....(as he was at that time)....He could have ran around with his pants to his ankles if he wanted to....:giggle:...then say..."It wasn't me!"

Had a friend say to me..."I'm voting for Hillary!...Look at all that experience!"....:roll:

She is and still is...a disgrace to all womanhood!...and like she told Bill...(not sure if it is true or not)...."Keep your pants on!...or you'll be known as the President who couldn't keep his pants zipped up"

Bill Clinton thought the Oval office was the ' Oral ' office ! :giggle:
I thought it was pretty much assumed that Paula Jones was a whackadoodle.
Its a strange idea to automaticly and by default always believe a persons accusation

Whats the point of even having ideals such as innocent until proven gulty, or even an institution such as a court of law when a sectiion of the populace is always without exception or a doubt to be automaticly by default believed? According to some.
“You say that all rape victims should be believed,” ???
I think all accusations should be taken seriously as if they could be real but both parties involved have rights until a verdict is in.
“You say that all rape victims should be believed,” ???
I think all accusations should be taken seriously as if they could be real but both parties involved have rights until a verdict is in.

The problem is that some women don't report that they been raped b/c
they know they won't be believed . One of my nieces had 2 g/f that were date raped and they didn't report it they were young and too afraid to.
Believe rape victims are getting a better deal these days...with DNA...then again, having to endure a rape kit...getting on the stand and testifying about the ordeal...facing the Rapist....was and is very embarrassing to the victim(s)....terrifying also...then having fingers pointed at them..."well...she deserved it...look at the way she was dressed"....or..."she asked for it!"....or..."she did say NO...but really meant Yes"....

Rape victims are lucky to be alive if the Rapist lets them live and using a condom (thinking there will be no DNA)....

Rape has no age preference, as we all know...and many victims resort to suicide because of it.
The problem is that some women don't report that they been raped b/c
they know they won't be believed . One of my nieces had 2 g/f that were date raped and they didn't report it they were young and too afraid to.

That is a plm
But trashing others rights as in ignoring fundimentals such as innocent till proven guilty, doesnt even address it.

Fact is
Those who claim to be rape victims
Are human
As such
They like any one else should be listenied too,and accepted.
But to autimaticly to be taken at their word without evedence is dangerous.
Ah hell what do i know
Im the king of spain...
(Dont.believe me?)

To accuse a man out of vindictive is pits of pits but these women may had squeeze on them.To be utterly sure these women be put through ringer big time.They be made look nuts and what attorney would represent them he be finished
it take brave woman but with surport of women all over the world Juctice may have sorry for these women if BC did do it because they never stood a chance.Did they do dna was any police investigations.
There time limitations I believe in States
if it had been done where would he been put because as I understand x predisdents have security men still.
Maybe one day truth come out.He may thought he was immune from it because he bit arrogant.This man took p out of his office with Monica under the table,he may have given the impression they would do well in careers that's black mail.Very few women lie about this.These girls must thought law would been fair and know they be lampooned if lied and no one do that.Would Bill done polygraph still not to late
To accuse a man out of vindictive is pits of pits but these women may had squeeze on them.To be utterly sure these women be put through ringer big time.They be made look nuts and what attorney would represent them he be finished
it take brave woman but with surport of women all over the world Juctice may have sorry for these women if BC did do it because they never stood a chance.Did they do dna was any police investigations.
There time limitations I believe in States
if it had been done where would he been put because as I understand x predisdents have security men still.
Maybe one day truth come out.He may thought he was immune from it because he bit arrogant.This man took p out of his office with Monica under the table,he may have given the impression they would do well in careers that's black mail.Very few women lie about this.These girls must thought law would been fair and know they be lampooned if lied and no one do that.Would Bill done polygraph still not to late

Must be George Bush blackmailed Bill Clinton for take his place.
Clinton he was between the 2 bushes dad and son I forgot.HC how she stayed with that letch is beyond me knowing what going on under the table I boot husband out.He really did make America look bit foolish.
I know the clothes that First Lady wear some are taken like Jackie her dress is somewhere in archives as is jfk suit all unwashed saw documentary this morning about it.Monica dress somewhere is it poss goverment took their clothes.HC must feel odd knowing this.
So much HC could done for women as one of most powerful in world.