VideoPhone for Hearies


Active Member
Apr 7, 2003
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Hey everyone,

I really want a VideoPhone so I can practice my signing while everyone is away. I am curious how Sorenson proves that you're deaf. Or, do they just send you a VideoPhone.
Prostock, I am just guessing here but during the application process, ya might hafta produce a hearing test audiogram from a certified audiologist........
huh, tousi?

Prostock19, I remmy when my husband applied online for VP sorenson they will email u 3 questions like 18 and over, yes, u deaf? yes and u have high speed internet, yes, that is all reply back but if u re hearing I dont know what else they would question u or decline ur application, dunno, WORTH A TRY ;)
there is IEYEDLink for 99 or 199 at Best Buy store or look any other store, it is better than order VP Sorenson cuz it ll be used only Sorenson, u would have used any other once IEYEDLINK box, like my brother in law bought it and uses any Sorenson, HOVRS, others but mine sent with Sorenson for free cool? stuck only sorenson cant use any others :/
Beauty, what's with "huh, Tousi"? You didn't offer anything better.....ended your own post with a question, too, to Prostock. Pls clarify....
Hey thanks. Maybe I will look into the D-link DVC-1000 or the DVC-1100. I like the fact that they have different lenses and wireless option. They do cost money, but at least it is the honest way.
It's an honor system -- up until the installer comes to your home and finds out that you're hearing.

There's just no way they can have you prove that you're deaf, short of a background check, a sworn statement, and an audiogram. What's the point of getting a VP if they're going to invade my privacy to get it?
Tousi said:
Beauty, what's with "huh, Tousi"? You didn't offer anything better.....ended your own post with a question, too, to Prostock. Pls clarify....
Tousi, I meant huh to "ya might hafta produce a hearing test audiogram from a certified audiologist........" there will be asked only 3 questions one of them ..are u deaf?. before sending out Sorenson VP box I got it before they didnt asked me for proof from special audiology but simple YES all questions to reply back to them in awhile I got VP Sorenson. :)
I think I may just get the D-link. They have built in wireless, which makes it easier for me to install with my wireless router.

I don't understand why someone would have to install it for me if I did go with Sorenson. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to hook one up.
The reason why they have installers come and do it for you is so that they get their money's worth out of giving it to you. After all, many people get it just to video with their friends and not use VRS, which is how they make money off of it.

Also, it makes complete sense to make sure that the technicians are there to take care of any firewall issues and networking issues. Not everyone knows how to do that.
Heh! Sorenson's rep came in, set the VP-100 to, then on my CSD provided D-Link router, they set the VP's addy to DMZ. I don't like anyone messing with my network, so after he left, I switched it back using the D-Link I2Eye's preset ports on an internal addy of my choice.

I'm still pissed that Sorenson blocks and it's IP number equivalent. My wife and I like the VP-100, however, we switched out the lens from the D-Link because the VP-100 was zoomed in too close. We have yet to use SVRS for outgoing calls. I suspect we'll plug the D-Link DVC-1000 back in soon.

with the new FCC ruling, Steve, they are not supposed to do that. THey'll get in big trouble if they did it without your permission.
NightwarriorJin said:
with the new FCC ruling, Steve, they are not supposed to do that. THey'll get in big trouble if they did it without your permission.

How so? Sorenson can and will continue to use their own interpreters.

Sorenson is pleased with the recent FCC rulings.
Yes, I have heard that Sorenson installers change either the hardware or software of the consumer so that they would not be allowed to jump from one service to another, a violation of Federal law.....that's the way I understand it.
Tousi said:
Yes, I have heard that Sorenson installers change either the hardware or software of the consumer so that they would not be allowed to jump from one service to another, a violation of Federal law.....that's the way I understand it.

The installer talked my wife into letting him change the router settings. I believe he did what they told him to do in some seminar or something. There's only one way to make a BigMac, huh. The router is not blocking outbound pings to from my computer. Hmm, gonna try pinging the IP from the VP-100.

Steve, I'm glad your'e tech-savvy enough to get what you want. However, if and when I get around to getting one of these set-ups (VP), I'll just go to Sprint or someone other than Sorenson cuz I wouldn't know how to re-set whatever to be able to have the ability to use whatever service I want. Sorenson is gonna get their butts in a wringer if they keep up their shenanigans, don't you think?
Tousi said:
Steve, I'm glad your'e tech-savvy enough to get what you want. However, if and when I get around to getting one of these set-ups (VP), I'll just go to Sprint or someone other than Sorenson cuz I wouldn't know how to re-set whatever to be able to have the ability to use whatever service I want. Sorenson is gonna get their butts in a wringer if they keep up their shenanigans, don't you think?

The CSD folks set up the router they install with the DVC-1000. They do not use DMZ (firewall shutoff - all ports are left on - for one internal IP). The D-Link router has an I2Eye specific toggle to open specific ports to allow the data to pass through. This makes it really easy. I had a Linksys router that I set aside to use the included D-Link router.

Sorenson would have provided a D-Link router too, but saw we had one already. No problem there.
