Video of Elephant Birth AMAZING


New Member
Sep 25, 2009
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This is a remarkable video of an Indian Elephant giving birth... fair warning, it's very graphic and bloody but it's still no less wonderful to see such a large animal giving birth to it's young.

The narrator, says that the sac is mostly full of fluid.
The elephant mother kicking the baby after it's born is the same as a human slap on the butt to get it to breathe.
The doctors/vets decided to leave the mother alone rather go help to allow the mother to figure it out (her first birth) how to and to strengthen the bond between them.
Eventually the baby starts breathing and within minutes begins to stand and start to walk.
The man in the video said that it's remarkable difference between humans and animals at how soon their babies learn to walk on their own.
Of course because human babies aren't prey to predators in the wild.

Thoughts? Comments?
2:25-4:03 the baby elephant doesn't breathe. I was getting a little worried!

Congrats to the new mom
It was amazing the way the mother got the baby to breathe and stand. :)
wow! great find! I've never seen elephant birth. It's awe-inspiring.
Awww... I've never seen a mother givin' birth of her baby in my entire life! That's really amazin' to watch a mother givin' birth. Congratulations!!
Awww! I found myself holding my breath wanting the baby to breathe so bad! It's amazing to see how nature knows exactly what to do. Cheers to the new adorable baby elephant. :)
btw - one more thing... the hole where baby came out... It wasn't where I thought it'd be. interesting.
btw - one more thing... the hole where baby came out... It wasn't where I thought it'd be. interesting.

Yeah, I admit I was somewhat surprised myself... but now as I think of it... if you watch the video you can see her belly is distended (stretched out) because of the weight of the pregnancy thus actually bringing the vaginal opening closer to the ground so the baby isn't injured when it (literally) falls out of the mother.
Watching a Giraffe birth is equally amazing... the fall is about six to seven feet!
Awww! I found myself holding my breath wanting the baby to breathe so bad! It's amazing to see how nature knows exactly what to do. Cheers to the new adorable baby elephant. :)

Same here! Held my breath & hand to my chest and my face to the laptop! :giggle:

btw - one more thing... the hole where baby came out... It wasn't where I thought it'd be. interesting.

You're not the only one. When I saw her tail sticking out, I thought that was where the baby was coming out until I saw the sac & liquid coming out. :Oops:
Wow.. it's amazing!!!
Thanks for sharing this video with us, DeafCaver!
That's one of the most amazing videos I have watched in a very long while! I love watching wild animal documentaries :D So I have seen many wild life births but the elephant is my first one! WOW!

The cutest first baby foot steps ever!!!! Just too cute for words!

But Gosh I was holding my breath when the mother tried to get the baby to breathe... I wasn't breathing either :giggle:

Thanks for posting this!!!! :ty:
:jaw: wow! What a beautiful sight! Cute baby! So cute!

I had to agreed with other ADers' comments above. :thumb:
That baby is so cuteee :D What a tiny one. :aw:

Bramus, lol, me too. I was like... "Breathe, little elephant, breathe! Come on, breathe!" :ugh: Until the baby finally can breath, and I was so relived.
I was kinda :-o when the mother was kicking her around. I thought she would use her trunk and spank her but.... kicking baby around.... that kinda spooked me.
Such a cute baby!

There was a baby elephant born at the zoo when I was little. We went to see it when it was a few weeks old and the keepers told us that right after captive elephants give birth, they have to separate them immediately or the mothers will kick the babies. Evidently, they thought captive elephants went nuts and would try to the kill their offspring. I wonder if those kicking mommas were also just trying to make sure their babies were breathing and okay. Sometimes, us humans think we know more than we do :)

And my favorite part, other than when the elephant finally starts breathing, is watching him/her learn to walk! He lifts his little front leg up so high - like he can't quite coordinate the movements. So cute! I also like how the mother forces the baby up 'cause she knows he needs to walk quickly.
Wow, that's amazing video. I thought it was so cute when the calf did their first walk as it is kinda like army marching. :)
Wow :aw: Need Hay Straws or dirty ground instead Cement floor! :dunno: :)