Video emerges showing Connecticut principal dragging students through halls

Fitting......schools are after all prisons for the spriita nod mid a byway. At least this screw comes by it honestly
Disruptive and unruly kids....when 1 kid is disruptive in class, the whole class suffers....but dragging them down the Hall?....:giggle:...not a good idea. I'd take them out of class "by their ear" and call their parents to come get 'em...and not let them back to school until they had an attitude adjustment....Blame it on their parents!

Wonder how Shel90 feels about this, since she is a teacher....
Listen....anyone touches my son like that. I'm gonna teach a value lesson to him principle or not. You drag my son through. Hall by his legs or arms. Like a con.
When I get out. And I'll gladly go up for a stretch if anyone dares touch my son like that. It's nothin to me. And when I'm out, I'll go on with my life and your still gonna be eating through tube.
Act accordingly
Really dragging wee children around like they are dam cons though halls. Yeah
This bastard needs a. Lesson.
Oh wait a second
Schools are prisons anyway so yeah
Fitting......schools are after all prisons for the spriita nod mid a byway. At least this screw comes by it honestly

Schools are schools, prisons aren't like your high school. When you walk out of the building, a SWAT team doesn't come after you. Her actions may be extreme but at least she didn't hit them. She probably told them to go to the office and they refused. Her actions, understandably, were inappropriate; the parents should have been called in and the students suspended for not complying. Most educators are working with little salary, high stress and parents that blame everyone for the child but themselves.

Schools are schools, prisons aren't like your high school. When you walk out of the building, a SWAT team doesn't come after you. Her actions may be extreme but at least she didn't hit them. She probably told them to go to the office and they refused. Her actions, understandably, were inappropriate; the parents should have been called in and the students suspended for not complying. Most educators are working with little salary, high stress and parents that blame everyone for the child but themselves.


Yes I know high school are not like prisons. Fully. But in many respects they certInly are getting that wAy.
as for most educators working for little yeah well spare me.
They choose their job. It's not like they just fell into it.
They choose that profession knowing full well what it entrails. Or do. You get through teachers college never actually knowing what teaching is?
Hey.... Karma as a damn bitch and it comes around. Keep dragging wee children's round like they are cons or worse and you will get what you get.
Most parents will accept it, and maybe complain. One day these wannabe screws will drag the wrong kid down a hall by the legs and that's that.
Fascist bastards!!!!!!!!
Dragging a kid down the hall "like an ex-con" is absurd!....All in your mind I'm guessing...and it's not like the Principal dragged kids down the Hall every day....

I've seen parents "smack" their child very hard for misbehaving...I've also seen Kids having a screaming fit in stores because their Parents won't buy them something...and they fall on the floor, kicking and screaming.....and kicking at the Parent for trying to get them up....

I do feel the Principal made a bad choice...then again, maybe the kid was on the floor kicking and screaming...and would not get she "perhaps" had to drag the kid to the Office....get the kid out of the classroom...
Dragging a kid down the hall "like an ex-con" is absurd!....All in your mind I'm guessing...and it's not like the Principal dragged kids down the Hall every day....

I've seen parents "smack" their child very hard for misbehaving...I've also seen Kids having a screaming fit in stores because their Parents won't buy them something...and they fall on the floor, kicking and screaming.....and kicking at the Parent for trying to get them up....

I do feel the Principal made a bad choice...then again, maybe the kid was on the floor kicking and screaming...and would not get she "perhaps" had to drag the kid to the Office....get the kid out of the classroom...

So assaulting a child is ok as long as a principle does it?

I see
So if I went and dragged some ones kid downa. Hall by the legs it's ok or is it not?

Last time I checked dragging a person down a hall against their will is assault,
Principles get a free ride like pigs

Birds of the same feather........
So assaulting a child is ok as long as a principle does it?

I see
So if I went and dragged some ones kid downa. Hall by the legs it's ok or is it not?

Last time I checked dragging a person down a hall against their will is assault,
Principles get a free ride like pigs

Birds of the same feather........

Birds of the same feathers do flock together in your case!...

Like I said, the Principal made a bad choice...but No, it's not "assault"...who knows, the kid probably was "assaulting" the Principal by kicking and screaming.....:hmm:
so can i come and drag you against your will by your legs down a hall?
if its not assault it shouldn't be to much a plm for yoiu then
or is their a different set of laws for principles and another for everyone else?
The principal was wrong. You cant just decide to drag kids if they are being disruptive. There are other ways to handle the disruption in a safer manner. I see the principal dragging the girl by her arm. What if she had dislocated her shoulder?