Thank you to all my fellow veterans. I thank you for your service and sacrifice during peace time and war, whether drafted or freely enlisted, in all branches.
God bless you all.
The red poppies are usually done for Memorial Day, to honor deceased military members. Veterans Day is more to honor living veterans.I went to Shaw's and Market Basket and there was no veteran at either store with the red flowers you donate money for. This was the first time a vet outside the store . So I wasn't able to donate money and thank a vet in person. I Thanks all the vets here for their service. I also wanted to give money in memory of my mother b/c she always brought the cards to support wounded veterans.
The red poppies are usually done for Memorial Day, to honor deceased military members. Veterans Day is more to honor living veterans.
In our area, restaurants offered free meals for vets, and other businesses had special deals, such as discounts, free haircuts, or free admission. TCS got a free breakfast at Denny's. Last year, he and I got free meals at Applebee's.
I wear me poppy.i live near the local cemetery and so many young men war graves so sad.They mostly teenagers may they rest in peace and we never forget.