Very TiReD Today


Active Member
Oct 2, 2004
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wow i am sooo tired lol. i struggled to sleep last nite till around 3 am then my son woke up at 4 am crying... i couldn't get him to go back to sleep. i fed him, gave him Gas medication , rocking him, burped him, changed his diaper, changed his sheet, added more lights, then taking them away, gave him toys putting on music, and quiet time (reading a book to him) ...nothing worked. he still was crying. when he get quiet (not sleeping) i sneaked away to get some sleep only to have him crying a hour later. i gave up trying to get some sleep after 8 am. at around 10 am he was sleepy so i put him in crib and ran to my bed to sleep only to wake up 20 min later. man i am very tired lol. *drinking my Monster Energy Drink*

its 2nd time he has done this in whole of his short life. he is usually very good with sleeping through the night so im not used to it. first time was when he was sick so by remembering this.. i also checked his temperature, checked his appearance, checked his ears, etc... this time everything was perfectly normal. when he does cry during nighttime he usually was scared of something like thunder or an unexpected noise or nightmare or who knows whatever else. i dont allow him to sleep with toys anymore because when he rolled over and the toy makes a noise it startled him and he s up crying or he wont go sleep because he wanted to play. so i left only one tiny cute stuffed dog for him to hold on. it doesnt make noises or anything and it wont cause him to stop breathing. seem to work so far till last nite.

sorry just wanted to rant a bit because i am not used to have a night with about 6 hours of sleep...with breaks in between of each hour >.< (slept for one hour then up and trying to calm baby down only to wake up again a hour later to do same thing all over again.)
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How old is ur baby?...Is everything "very quiet, no noise" when you put him to bed?....Is ur baby deaf or hearing?....So many ques. I know!...If he is hearing, I've heard it's best to leave on some soft music, or chimes to lull him to sleep.

I've never raised a deaf baby, and really don't know if they are a little different than hearing....

Good topic! Hope others will respond here!
he will be 18 months old this month and i always have music on when i put him to bed. i just wish it would continue for 8 hours instead of 1 hour and 30 min. he is hearing. hes very good with bedtime to be honest. i had problem only twice in a year and a half. even when he was only a week old and need to be fed every 2 hours.. he slept for 4 hours at nighttimes and more older he get.. more longer he sleeps at nighttimes. now its 8 hours-9 hours a night. im surprised because hes so young and i expected first couple years will be little sleep for me but no problems there till last nite.

i also found out my friends' babies were having same problem last night too. all 4 of babies. how strange lol.

one more thing... its never quiet no noise around me lol. so my baby is used to noises while hes sleeping.
I remmy when my son was almost 2 yrs old and was crying and he wouldnt stop crying. So I took him out for a ride in the car for about 1 hr and it was working but he wont go to sleep for like 2 hrs then finally fell asleep. Not only that my ex roommate had a baby and my son woke her up when he was crying. Oh well. That the only one time. Try to go for a ride and see what happened. It work for me.